Hey Everyone, I wanted to share what I have been using in Heroic and Mythic runs.
Sequences['triRET'] = {
helpTxt = "Ret ST macro - 1112111",
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Crusader Strike",
"/cast Blade of Wrath",
"/cast Justicar's Vengeance",
"/cast Templar's Verdict",
"/cast Templar's Verdict",
"/cast Crusader Strike",
/cast [combat] Avenging Wrath
/cast [combat] Shield of Vengeance
/cast [combat] Hammer of Justice
/cast [combat] Hand of Hindrance
Sequences['triRetAoE'] = {
specID = 70,
author = "Trilips",
helpTxt = "Ret AoE macro - 1112111",
icon = "Ability_Paladin_DivineStorm",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast Judgment',
'/cast Crusader Strike',
"/cast Blade of Wrath",
'/cast Wake of Ashes',
"/cast Divine Storm",
/cast [combat] Avenging Wrath
/cast [combat] Shield of Vengeance
Here is a cleaned up version
Sequences['triRET'] = {
author = "Trilips",
specID = 70,
helpTxt = "Ret ST macro – 1112111",
icon = "INV_Sword_2H_AshbringerCorrupt",
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Crusader Strike",
"/cast Blade of Wrath",
"/cast Justicar\'s Vengeance",
"/cast Templar\'s Verdict",
"/cast Templar\'s Verdict",
"/cast Crusader Strike",
/cast [combat] Avenging Wrath
/cast [combat] Shield of Vengeance
/cast [combat] Hammer of Justice
/cast [combat] Hand of Hindrance
Sequences['triRetAoE'] = {
specID = 70,
author = "Trilips",
helpTxt = "Ret AoE macro – 1112111",
icon = "Ability_Paladin_DivineStorm",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Crusader Strike",
"/cast Blade of Wrath",
"/cast !Wake of Ashes",
"/cast Divine Storm",
/cast [combat] Avenging Wrath
/cast [combat] Shield of Vengeance
As Templar’s Verdict and Justicar’s Vengence is in between "'s the ’ means it wont cast TV as its spelt wrong underneath. I put the top in a code block.
I’m not sure what your trying to Say Tim.
back when I first started playing with the original Gnome Sequencer the following three line would be correct for casting Justicar’s Vengeance
"/cast Justicar's Vengeance",
'/cast Justicar\'s Vengeance',
"/cast Justicar\'s Vengeance".
unless something has changed
I put the \ in even if the line starts with a " just to be consistent with my coding practice’s (something I picked up after 23 years of coding).
I’ve been testing this macro and I must admit I like it however the AoE macro it’s constantly announcing
/cast [combat] Avenging Wrath
/cast [combat] Shield of Vengeance
in open chat how do I keep this from happening
The clean one works nice not much to compare it to i will do manual style for a bit and compare dps but gj you 2
You should take out Justicar’s Vengeance From the rotation and only use it when you get a proc of Divine Purpose.
You should Do the Burst like this
Divine Purpose proc
Wake Of ashes (IF you got the Golden Talent Ashes to ashes, that gives you 5 HP)
whit that Burst you get Like 600k or more damage.
Why is an exclamation point used in the macro? I thought all it did now was keep a toggle from turning off.
[quote quote=33810]Why is an exclamation point used in the macro? I thought all it did now was keep a toggle from turning off.
I am not sure BUT i can quess its something white an Priority list
If I remove Justicar’s directly from this macro, will it still work?
Never edited a macro before, so unsure what’ll happen xD
[quote quote=33072]I’m not sure what your trying to Say Tim.
back when I first started playing with the original Gnome Sequencer the following three line would be correct for casting Justicar’s Vengeance
<table class="crayon-table"><tbody><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show">
</td><td class="crayon-code">
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast Justicar's Vengeance"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">'/cast Justicar\'s Vengeance'</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast Justicar\'s Vengeance"</span><span class="crayon-sy">.</span>
unless something has changed
I put the \ in even if the line starts with a ” just to be consistent with my coding practice’s (something I picked up after 23 years of coding).
“/cast Justicar’s Vengeance”, <-- This will work and is preferred
‘/cast Justicar’s Vengeance’, <-- This will work but not cleanly translate. WHile it wont affect you it will affect people playing in non elglish clients.
“/cast Justicar’s Vengeance”. <-- This can in some cases cause spam and not fire. It also wont translate to non English Clients.
You dont need the ’ if you’re between " " or [[ ]]
Any reason for not use Wake of Ashes in the ST macro? Depending on which way you went through AP Wake of Ashes generates 5 HP?
Since the raid has opened and I have played with the macro more i have since removed Wake of ashes from the ST and Aoe to have better HP control