🔪 Small Swiss Army Knife for Healdruids [Nature's Swiftness, Cenarian ward, regrowth]

Hello my fluffy ones,

I have written a small macro here, which I use in my Healaddon [Healbot]. But it should also work in Vuhdoo.

This macro does not map an entire healing spell rotation, but is a small simplification to achieve certain uptimes. I affectionately named it my Swiss Army Knife because it allowed a friend of mine to achieve 100% uptime on a druid’s core abilities.

We are talking about the spells: Nature’s Swiftness and Cenarian ward [CW].

This macro casts Nature’s Swiftness and CW on Cooldown
but always prioritizes a focus target. If both spells are on Cooldown it casts Regrowth at your mouseover target. I recommend putting the tank at the beginning of a key as such. If there is no focus, it casts Cenarian ward on yourself. Handy if you are traveling alone and exploring the Dragon Isles.

maybe it helps someone as much as my friend.

stay healthy and always fluffy,

Fluff :unicorn:





This macro contains 1 macro template. Diese Sequenz wurde aus GSE 3.1.28 exportiert.

I’ll give it a try on my druid and get back to you.

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When I try to import you talents it says its not up to date.

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This is because I created the macro before the changes to the trees. Just be save to pick Nature’s Swiftness and Cenarian ward. Any combination will work.

My actual talents