Hi all, I’m new here but have been reading here and other places on the web for the past few hours about these spammable macros. So far it seems like everyone is contradicting the other person and because these actions are happening so quickly, it’s rather hard for a normal guy like me to test.
So here’s my first question that has been asked before and has been answered with different answers all the time.
Example 1 :
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Red
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Green
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Blue
/castsequence reset=0.3 Black
/cast Orange
Question 1 :
In the above macro, what is the priority?
I’ve read that the more 0’s the higher the priority. I’ve also read that it goes from bottom to top with the cast sequences, but only after it checks the casts after them.
Question 2 :
I think most of us understand that the 0’s are attempts to cast the now non existent ammo slot, however what is their purpose? Ok, so the cast sequence see’s the 0, attempts it, doesn’t do anything, moves to the next 0, attempts that, doesn’t do anything, moves to the spell. Why? Why not just use the spell? What is the “blank” actually doing?
Question 3 :
One of the FAQ’s here said that we are limited to 7 actions. Is this true? I see macros with 10+ actions. For instance 6 cast sequences and 5 /use or /cast’s.
Anyone with any concrete info on this?