SoD Mindless DPS Leveling Macro

First and Foremost, this is for leveling and leveling only. Orbalisk has a great max level macro setup. This will also need some input from you as you raise in levels too.

You will need to create a macro in character specific macros in game. Youll have to mess with the timing on this but is somewhere around /castsequence reset=target/combat rend, heroic strike, heroic strike, battle shout. By then your rend should be nearing end and need refresh when the macro rolls over.

The rest will be handled in the GSE macro. Using Victory Rush, Overpower, Raging Blow, and Execute when available. DO A /RELOAD AFTER LEARNING NEW SKILLS



RUNES - Raging Blow, Focused Rage, Furious Thunder, Enraged Regeneration, Wrecking Crew, Victory Rush. (Taste for Blood once you get a helm starting at 25 (get the cheap cloth one)).

###TALENTS - Use the wowhead guide for this, but also think about the points your putting in.

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.2.21.