SOD Prot Warrior

Made this quick and well working Macro for SOD prot Warrior, Can be used both with a shield as well as Dual wield. Its pretty simple but easily pushing 150 dps on my warrior. Theres a few added spells on click, have a look and see what you think.

If you wish to make your own changes and tweaks to it be free to post the new exports here in the comments :slight_smile:


If interest is there i could also put together one for DPS

can you explain the sequences you have put together? what abilities are being used and when?

what talent points are you using? a DPS one would be sweet.

oh thanks so much. if you can could please make one for dps.

Please do.

Can you also mention talents and runes used for your Prot-build?


Please post a DPS if you donโ€™t mind!

Whats the timing for this?