SoM hemo pvp /w Ambush & weapon swap


Very similar to my TBC macro.

Make a stealth set in Itemrack and assign it to the ‘rogue stealth’ event. For the stealth set, put a dagger in your mh, boots with +stealth and tigerseye ultra goggles if you go eng. Leave the other slots void or unassigned.

In the macro, go to the ‘Weapon’ variable and put the hemo weapon you want to swap to from dagger once youre out of stealth (after the Ambush), ie; in place of Claw of the Black Drake that its set to currently.

Then, go to ‘Swap’ variable and enter the helm and boots (in place of the Nightslayer pieces) you want to swap to just before opening out of stealth. The way this works is that the Itemrack stealth set auto swaps to goggles, stealth boots and dagger whenever you go into stealth, and the GSE macro swaps the helm and boots back to your normal set before the opener (but only when you have the macro toggled on, an enemy targeted and press a mod). Your weapon swap will occur right after the Ambush goes off and you enter combat.

Opener mods:

Alt: Cold Blood > Ambush > Kidney
Shift: Cheap Shot > Hemo (x2) > KS
Ctrl: Garrote > Hemo > GS > Rup

The way to use the Ambush opener (Alt) is to have the macro toggled on, press and hold Alt until the Kidney goes off, then release Alt and let the macro do its nomod rotation. It will do Hemo with an Eviscerate every 4-5 points.

For Cheap Shot, into Hemo (x2) > Kidney, use Shift instead, again releasing the mod key after Kidney.

Ctrl is for bleeds where you open with Garrote, into Hemo > Ghostly Strike > Rupture (useful for warriors or sometimes rogues when you expect to face melee damage). Release Ctrl after Rupture.



Alt is the mod for performing the Ambush opener and will also pop a thistle tea a few seconds out of stealth. For this you need to import the second macro ‘TEA’ as well, which HEMO references when using Alt to trigger it. This way a tea gets burned only when opening with Ambush. If you want to avoid using tea, either dont have any in your bags or remove the ~~ Tea ~~ comment in the second block in HEMO. You can also delete the Tea variable if you want to remove this option permanently. If you do want to use it, you may have to mess around with the timing in the Tea macro itself (default is 3000 ms, but it also depends on the speed of your mouse macro). A good window to use tea to aim for is right after the Kidney or the Hemo after it (basically when you notice your energy is at its first lowest dip after opening). You may prefer to rely on manual use of tea.

The build:

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.0.53.