Something is causing GSE to lag/stutter/hiccup or whatever

It dont matter if im on any character that uses GSE, there is a stutter / lag / stall for upwards of 3-5seconds or longer and i cant figure out what is causing the issue. When i go through the rotation in dornagal, the GSE: macro’s seems to work flawless, but as soon as i join a group for dungeons or raids, it then triggers something that is causing this issue. Ive tried doing it with just GSE running and it still does it, then when i turn GSE off and go manual mode. Its not there, the issue is i dont have the core ability to use my left hand like i use to, so when i saw this after i came back right before TWW, i was happy as heck!

Now just need to figure out what is causing the hiccup and ill be golden again.

what is your latency and fps when your in those things. it could be whats causing the issue. GSE doesnt change based on where you are.