Spitz Savage Feral 8.0.1 - 1-Button for the truly lazy :P

Wrote a multi-target version not sure how to write it as a code but here it is.

/castsequence reset=combat Thrash, Swipe, Swipe, Savage Roar, Swipe, Swipe, Thrash, Rip, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Ferocious Bite
/cast [combat] Tiger’s Fury

It looks like it always get stucked in some state after few spells, doesnt uses finisher and looks like its stagnating unless tigers fury is not on cooldown. Isn there anything i could do wrong? Thanks in advance…

You have to make sure you have the same talents from Spitz First macro. If you don’t have savage roar Selected as a talent it will not work.

The only reason it would not be using any finishers is you might have the wrong talents. Make certain you have Savage Roar or the macro will simply stop when it gets to it. And the stagnant feeling is just feral being feral. It is the nature of the beast that is known as the kitty.

reworked this a little and added thrash ready for 8.1 seems ok

Talents 1XXX131

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.12.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Rebirth, Prowl, Cat Form

Main Sequence: Tiger’s Fury, Rip, Ferocious Bite, Shred, Thrash, Savage Roar, Rake

KeyRelease: Regrowth

[quote quote=66230]reworked this a little and added thrash ready for 8.1 seems ok
d0tHcaGEQQ0lviERsPTHuntQs6ziLztQEnc5MkHFPuDBLKdJQDcv7vSBI2VQUhvj(lvP8BugivLAOkQgSkdxr6GkIonbhdY5uewOcPLQOSysz5i5Xu5PuwMuRJQunrfKPIOjJqnDjxKQI(gc6YaxNqBuHYwPQKntvSDQQyCGQzbY0uGggOmsQQASiWOvI(Sc4KkPURsX1GY5vq9CswlvfoUcvhuidokMnFnPp82y(C2KEn4DiJ5pqFASyKCDGSuXqeqabiAOydb8Wf1RGJInPyTKrfZMku(n2cUJI5laLsGjvHm4OqgCuSDhxvkW4IaPd83FuafO8IJTsJx)9hcE3q)HGrhonyq)H1nc6pSUrq)H10rWG(dRBe0FyDJG(dRBe0Fi4Dd9hcgHta9hw3iO)W6gb9hw3iO)W6gb9x3y0Hh8o2UJRQ)26yR041M)WAeHXMZu1cUJIfYuX8hWjoAXWboIIwSrb6v0IntqoakAXiPeKebku0Incy4zaDaxbczWrX2DmPIPd(JlwmrPAPGN6pybVJT74Q6p4tqJEWPfB3XKkMo4pUyXeLQLcEQ)qPIrsjijcuD0Izfy6yIsxjWKXmW4IazjW1Jncy45uaLkKbhfB3Xv1FB9ThMtubrmGt8M)AydcFWG3X2DCv93wjZdJAL37n)riD4bNwSDhxv)TvYufGRxlHKmhBLgV28hwJWsfBofyb3rXczQyZeKd0rlvQy2uGB9qbhbJwS1oMmwSfCPixFTSau(bilbMmJMkvcSPITZ_FERAL Talents 1XXX131
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.12.
Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential KeyPress: Rebirth, Prowl, Cat Form Main Sequence: Tiger’s Fury, Rip, Ferocious Bite, Shred, Thrash, Savage Roar, Rake KeyRelease: Regrowth

Works ok but it never casts trash for me.

This wonderful macro no longer works in 8.1