Sub LVL 20 Arms dungeon tanking macro - Feedback appreciated

Hello everyone!

Been enjoying the use of GSE for some time now and there are some amazing sequences available for retail. Big shoutout to Orbalisk! Been using his sequences a bunch and he has been my inspiration for making one for classic fresh.

Im pretty new to making sequences so Ill need any feedback I can get.

This is a sequence in progress since Im not yet lvl 20 atm but I tend to update it whenever important abilities become available to me.

My end goal is to make a decently functioning sequence for Arms warriors in classic.

I already implemented pummel on the shift modifier but thats something you are not able to use yet.

This is arms dungeon tanking so the sequence is focussed on staying in defensive stance.


Usage Information

Shift for pummel
Ctrl for taunt
Alt for Battle Shout + Demo Shout

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.2.17-b.


Missing macro Rend_PTCH:
/castsequence [mod:lalt] Battle Shout, Demoralizing Shout
/cast [mod:shift] Pummel
/cast [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,harm,nodead] Taunt
/castsequence [stance:2] reset=target Rend, Sunder Armor, Sunder Armor, Sunder Armor, Sunder Armor, Sunder Armor, null

Love the sequence. Have you updated it for higher levels?

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Thank you for your kind response! Not yet tbh. Orbalisk posted his sequence on the forum and I would suggest taking a look at that since it´s better than mine. It´s possible to disable certain blocks if you dont have the correct abilities yet.