Sub Rogue 5.3

Is there any chance someone could come up with a sub rogue 5.3 dual bar macro? I have no problem coming and testing for you if you don’t have a 90 rogue…

try this, of course anyone can modify and do whatever with it

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
/castsequence [stance:1/3]Ambush,Rupture,Ambush,Slice and Dice
/castsequence reset=target Backstab,Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice,Backstab,Hemorrhage,Rupture,Backstab,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate
/cast [combat]Shadow Dance
/cast [combat]Shadow Blades
/cast [combat]Shiv
/cast [combat]Evasion

sorry i just saw you were asking about a dual bar one