Subs 5.4

This macro for 5.4 work well for me if anyone want to test it
i am lvl 87 atm so no idea how its for lvl 90 but after i have test it and play with few skills i come up with the highgst dps for my currnet lvl , i have made 2 kind of macros , one for Hemmo front fight , and one for Backstab Back fight , please let me know what you think , i really want to know if its work out for any of you
thanks alot

  1. Hemmo
#showtooltip Hemorrhage
/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
/cast [stealth]Ambush
/castsequence reset=target Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice, null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,shadow Blades
/castsequence reset=target Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Rupture,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

  1. Backstab
#showtooltip Hemorrhage
/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
/cast [stealth]Ambush
/castsequence reset=target Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice, null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Shadowstep
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,shadow Blades
/castsequence reset=target Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Rupture,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate,Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Slice and Dice
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

This is REALLY a good macro.

Since I am 90 on my Rogue, I added the last talent myself.
This really works great even in PvP (If you stun yourself) to be said…

Appreciated this good macro! Cheers mate!


Hey tobias can i see your macros?


I took yours and updated them a little also created a few more


/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
/cast [form:1]Ambush
/castsequence [combat] reset=target Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice,null
/cast [combat]Shadow Blades
/castsequence [combat,noform] reset=target Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Rupture ,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate
/cast [combat]Shadow Dance
/castsequence [combat,form:3] reset=target Garrote,Garrote,Garrote,Eviscerate,Garrote,Garrote,Garrote,Slice and Dice
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]


/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
/cast [form:1]Ambush
/castsequence [combat] reset=target Backstab,Slice and Dice ,null
/cast [combat]Shadow Dance
/cast [combat]Shadow Blades
/castsequence [combat,noform] reset=target Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Rupture,Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Eviscerate,Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Slice and Dice,Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Eviscerate,Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Eviscerate,Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Slice and Dice,Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Eviscerate,Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Eviscerate,Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Eviscerate
/castsequence [combat,form:3] reset=target Ambush,Ambush,Ambush,Eviscerate,Ambush,Ambush,Ambush,Slice and Dice
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Stun Macro

/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
/cast [form:1]Cheap Shot
/castsequence [combat] reset=target Hemorrhage,Kidney Shot
/cast [combat]Shadow Dance
/cast [combat]Shadow Blades
/castsequence [form:3,combat] reset=target Cheap Shot,Kidney Shot,Garrote,Kidney Shot,Cheap Shot,Kidney Shot,Garrote,Kidney Shot
/castsequence [combat,noform] reset=target Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Kidney Shot,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Kidney Shot,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Kidney Shot,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Kidney Shot,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Kidney Shot,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Kidney Shot,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Kidney Shot,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Kidney Shot,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Kidney Shot

use Item/Prep macro

/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast Preparation

Escape Macro

/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
/cast [nostealth,combat]Smoke Bomb
/cast [nostealth,combat]Cloak of Shadows
/cast [nostealth,combat]Evasion
/cast [nostealth,combat]Feint
/cast [nostealth,combat]Sprint
/cast [nostealth,combat]Vanish

Throw Macro

/castsequence reset=target Shuriken Toss,Shuriken Toss,Slice and Dice
/castsequence reset=target Shuriken Toss,Shuriken Toss,Shuriken Toss,Deadly Throw,Shuriken Toss,Shuriken Toss,Shuriken Toss,Deadly Throw,Shuriken Toss,Shuriken Toss,Shuriken Toss,Deadly Throw,Shuriken Toss,Shuriken Toss,Shuriken Toss,Deadly Throw

Hem Solo with Heal

/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
/cast [form:1]Ambush
/castsequence [combat] reset=target Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice
/cast [combat]Shadow Blades
/castsequence [combat,noform] reset=target Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Rupture ,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Recuperate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Recuperate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Rupture,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Slice and Dice,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Eviscerate,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Recuperate
/cast [combat]Shadow Dance
/castsequence [combat,form:3] reset=target Garrote,Garrote,Recuperate,Garrote,Garrote,Eviscerate,Garrote,Garrote,Slice and Dice
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Damage reduction:

/cast Smoke Bomb
/cast [combat]Cloak of Shadows
/cast [combat]Evasion
/cast [combat]Feint

Dirty Tricks Macro:

/cast [combat]Dismantle;Blind;Gouge
/startattack [combat]

Fan of knives

#showtooltip fan of knives
/castsequence [combat]reset=target Fan of Knives,Slice and Dice,null
/castsequence [combat]reset=target Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Crimson Tempest,Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Slice and Dice,Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Crimson Tempest,Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Fan of Knives,Crimson Tempest
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Last but not least Shiv,Kick… Dismantle has a cool down so need to put it in both cast strings for it to work

/cast [combat]shiv;[combat]Dismantle
/cast [combat]Kick;[combat]Dismantle
/cast [combat,noform]Shadow Dance
/cast [combat]Shadow Blades
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Coo… giving a try

What build are you using?

these macros seem to lock and eviz never goes off but the concept seems good

are these macros working and are they good in pvp? really want to help a friend out in pvp

The last time I updated Marco toolkit was in February of this year.

If you have issues with them try changing the order it goes in the order they are listed and /castsequence will run through all spells listed in the sequence but alternate out to /cast if the skill is ready also I think I had to take dismantle out and use it separately because the GCD was stopping other skills but side note I noticed with combining macros together aka using the toolkit that sometimes you run into the problem of the /castsequence being spread over 2 different smaller macros … Yes the tool kit builds 5 hotkey slots and splits the long macro across the 5 … If evic isn’t casting just try to change the order around a little but when you get them in a good spot you should see your combat points build from 3 to 5 and you should have slice and dice and if you use the heal version recuperate almost 100% of the time plus shadow blade and dance of shadows … If I get a chance I’ll repost them with any updates I’ve made because i noticed miss fires or spells being omitted