Surviavel Hunter: Casting Both Fury and Aspect of the Eagle

Hello All

I hawe been trying for a vile, to make my macro cast both Fury of the Eagle and Aspect of the Eagle, and is far i hawe solved it :slight_smile:

I hawe tryed for 10 min on trainings dummy in the Class Hall.

I have not make this macros just modified them to work with both Fury of the Eagle and Aspect of the Eagle.

Sequences['S_ST'] = {
helpTxt = "Talents: 2212322",
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/cast [combat,nochanneling]Aspect of the Eagle
"/cast [nochanneling] Explosive Trap",
"/cast [nochanneling] Dragonsfire Grenade",
"/cast [nochanneling] Lacerate",
"/cast [nochanneling] Mongoose Bite",
"/cast [nochanneling] Throwing Axes",
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Flanking Strike, Raptor Strike",
"/cast [nochanneling] Mongoose Bite",
/cast [combat,nochanneling]Fury of the Eagle(Artifact)
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Sequences['S_AE'] = {
helpTxt = "Talents: 2212322",
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/cast [combat,nochanneling]Aspect of the Eagle
"/cast [nochanneling] Explosive Trap",
"/cast [nochanneling] Dragonsfire Grenade",
"/cast [nochanneling] Carve",
"/cast [nochanneling] Lacerate",
"/cast [nochanneling] Mongoose Bite",
"/cast [nochanneling] Throwing Axes",
"/cast [nochanneling] Mongoose Bite",
/cast [combat,nochanneling]Fury of the Eagle(Artifact)
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Hawe fun.


Does this macro stack up 6 Mongoose Bite and then Fury of the Eagle? or just spam Fury of the Eagle when ever it can?

It Spams Fury of the Eagle, when it canā€¦


today i used this great macro on another hunter but found out Fury of the Eagle isnt working anymore, i tested it on my hunter where it worked but also it wont so i think blizzard changed something in the code.

This macro is great, but I canā€™t seem to get the artifact to go off in post macro. I tried pre macro for it and it goes off but than the rest of the macro just cycles on the button without casting anything. Have tried various positions throughout the body macro to position it and it just results in a lot of missed mongoose bites or throwing axes not going off. Any suggestions other than manually hitting it?

This works, sorry dont know how to box it.

Sequences[ā€˜Surv-T2ā€™] = {
source = ā€œLocalā€,
helpTxt = ā€œTalents: 2112322ā€,
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/use [nopet,nomod]Call Pet 1
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] Explosive Trapā€,
ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] Dragonsfire Grenadeā€,
ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] Lacerateā€,
ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] Mongoose Biteā€,
ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] Throwing Axesā€,
ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] Flanking Strikeā€,
ā€œ/castsequence [nochanneling] Flanking Strike, Raptor Strikeā€,
ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] Mongoose Biteā€,
ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] A Murder of Crowsā€,
/cast [nochanneling] [combat] Aspect of the Eagle
/cast [nochanneling] [combat] Fury of the Eagle(Artifact)