hi @lucifer from your experience wth version wud be better to use? or does the most dps? …im trying this now on my sv 290ilv.
Comparing OP’s Character with your own is unfair. It’s apples to a cell phone.
You’ll get probably much different results so try both of them out, record whichever one that gives you the highest DPS- in front of a Training Dummy of course.
Why record them both? If the OP changes or (anyone) puts out a new macro you can test the new one(s) out and compare them to the old ones.
gotcha deezyl, ill do.
i missed Kill Shot in your macro
Right, it isn’t in there. That’s because the damage isn’t really worth it, to use a GCD on it. Even with 30% Crit it only does 9-18k. Raptor Strike for comparison does 9-30k for me and is always usable.
That being said, there are some scenarios where it could be useful, for example finishing a murloc that is running away in Gambit. But that’s quite the niche thing.
Maybe I will put Kill Shot in and test it a bit in some keys, but I doubt it’s worth it.
If you want to use Kill Shot, you can always make a macro and put it somewhere on your bars.
/cast [@mouseover] Kill Shot
Hope that explains the reasoning behind it not being in there.
IMO, when testing out Hunter macros and my own that one Kill Shot is good to have and will not impact DPS and also have a separate macro for it.
For a KS macro I personally use:
#showtooltip Kill Shot
/cast Kill Shot
Your AOE macro works fine so far, but ST isn’t that good as Kill Command isn’t always used when you don’t have a bomb
The macro will always “waste” a GCD to refresh Serpent Sting after five Kill Commands and cast Raptor Strike with ~3 Tip of the Spear stacks. If you want ti to be mostly automated, there isn’t a good way to change this.
That being said, with the last update I made a week ago, it comes really close to the DPS numbers I simmed (depending on procs ofc), not only on dummies, but also in Raids and Dungeons. At least for me.
The only thing you could try is changing the value of the pause block to a higher number. That would mean fewer Raptor Strikes and more Kill Commands, but I guess you would lose DPS by doing that. But give it try.
good aoe but st does not cast enough raptor strikes. which is supposed to be number 1. other macros cast too much raptors. this one does not cast much raptors. tried this on mythic fated single target and not really doing to good. hopefully you can make it cast more raptor strikes thank you
Raptor Strike should not be the number 1 damage source. Most of your damage should always come from your Bombs.
supposed to be raptor in single target ser. u can check sims in raidbots and ask in discord. raptor strike should be number 1 on ur dmg list on targets. always cast bombs yes. but always cast raptor strike too.
I think I understand where you and a lot of other people get the impression, that Raptor Strike is your number one damage source: Simply looking at any damage meter addon in game, you will always see it at the top, because they don’t combine the damage of your bombs and list them separately. Add them together and you will see, that your Wildfire Bomb’s damage far exceeds Raptor Strike damage.
Going a bit deeper you can check raidbots sims, which will show you exactly that.
(random hunter with good stats and high ilvl)
Even deeper, we can look at the sim in detail: The DPE (damage per execute), which shows the average damage done by an ability, per use.
You can clearly see Wildfire Bomb doing ~34k per cast, where Raptor Strike does ~12k.
Even with really bad Mad Bombardier procs your Bombs will always have the highest priority, followed by Kill Command, to “fish” for said procs. Raptor Strike should be used with 3 stacks of Tip of the Spear, or as a filler, if nothing else is available.
I don’t know what raidbots sims and discord you are talking about, but I hope my explanation helps.
you are correct. i did not add things up. but current macro really casts very little raptor strike. it loses dps and has a bit of times where it does auto attack even with focus. can u add more frequency to casting raptor strike? @lucifer
Maybe try running it a bit faster then. Or go into the sequence and change the value of the pause block from 3 to 1 or 2. If that doesn’t help, just delete the pause block.
Update September 9:
I deleted the “automatic bombs” version of the macro.
Note: It was highly ineffective with automatic bomb usage and that’s not what I want my macro to be. But you can still find an automatic macro at the end of the main post, but I don’t recommend using it, and I won’t work on that macro anymore! -
Added Kill Shot to the main macro. For now only testing it, so I may delete it again later.
Made some little changes to the sequence to compensate for higher haste.
Update September 10:
- The macro is now usable with every Covenant.
I created a new variable containing all 4 covenant abilities. The reasoning behind it is, that I sometimes swap to Night Fae when raiding, Venthyr when PvPing or Necro when trolling and I don’t want to always rewrite my macro.
CTRL modifier is still used for cooldowns AND your covenant ability. Wild Spirits and Resonating Arrow are being cast @cursor, while Death Chakram and Flayed Shot at your current target.
I will edit my main post tomorrow to reflect this change. For now I only exported the new version and put it in there.
Depending on the content you play I recommend to check wowhead and subcreation for infos on Soulbinds and Covenants. Links can also be found in the main post.
Even though I tested it and think it should work in every situation, please test it for yourself and let me know if you encounter any issues.
realy hard for it to cast raptor strike. so ot’s always capping focus. i dont know what to do. cant seem to make it cast a draining amount for raptor
For me its not capping focus and raptor strike is where it should be. You can scroll up, and read what I wrote a few days ago about raptor strike and how to fix it
i know the problem why it does nto cast much raptor strike for me.
it over casts serpent sting. what happens is when it runs out of focus. and generates 20 focus, it casts serpent sting all the time. and does not cast raptor strike because it costs 30 focus. when it gets focus starved it messes up the rotation. in the first minute of my fight. the macros casted 24 serpent stings loool
Thats strange… really strange. It should only cast Serpent Sting when changing targets and after 5x Kill Command. Gonna look into it right away.
Have you changed anything about the macro?
I think it’s a problem on your side. Tested it just now and it casts ~4 Serpent Sting over 1 minute on a target dummy.
Try to delete the macro and import it again. If that doesn’t help, hey, at least you have 100% uptime on Serpent Sting .