Swapbar Prot Paladin Macro (6.0.2)

This is the macro set I use for my port paladin and it seems to work fine with 3-1-3-2-2-3-3

I have Execution Sentence and the other CDs on separate buttons to have more control over burst/survival but other than that this macro will single target Crusader strike or AoE Hammer of the righteous based on which seal you choose.

Bar 1 Button 1

/cast Holy Wrath
/cast Divine Protection
/swapactionbar 1 2

Bar 2 Button 1

/cast [stance:1] Crusader Strike; Hammer of the Righteous
/swapactionbar 2 3

Bar 3 Button 1

/castsequence reset=target Sacred Shield,Judgment,Judgment,Judgment,Judgment
/swapactionbar 3 4

Bar 4 Button 1

/cast Consecration
/swapactionbar 4 5

Bar 5 Button 1

/cast Avenger's Shield
/swapactionbar 5 6

Bar 6 Button 1

/cast Shield of the Righteous
/cast Hammer of Wrath
/swapactionbar 6 1

Instead of consecration in button 4 you can substitute /cast [@player] Holy Prism for a seal heal from holy prism or if lazy like me, just use it for stay execution instead. Either way its more for healing than dps.

Hope this helps non GS users like me.

This is the newer version of the bar-swapper macro I am currently using and it works for both protection and retribution paladins. It will single-target crusader & templar/final verdict, and multi-target hammer the righteous & divine storm. The seal you are in will dictate which spells are cast, all you do is swap between the seals and spam the macro, it does the rest. Also if you are not in combat the macro goes to the first action bar instead of swapping the another bar.

You will need to pick things like sacred shield and execution sentence for both specs. Any and all criticism is welcome.

bar 1 button 1

/cast Holy Wrath
/cast Divine Protection
/cast Avenging Wrath
/swapactionbar 1 2

bar 2 button 1

/cast [stance:1] Crusader Strike; Hammer of the Righteous
/swapactionbar [combat] 2 3; [nocombat] 2 1

bar 3 button 1

/castsequence reset=target Judgment,null
/castsequence reset=target Sacred Shield,Judgment,Judgment,Judgment,Judgment
/swapactionbar [combat] 3 4; [nocombat] 3 1

The holy Prism is an alternative protection talent you can pick, personally i am too lazy to effectively use it so I just use execution sentence manually.

bar 4 button 1

/cast Consecration
/cast [stance:1] Templar's Verdict; [stance:2] Divine Storm
/cast [@player] Holy Prism
/swapactionbar [combat] 4 5; [nocombat] 4 1

bar 5 button 1

/cast Avenger's Shield
/cast Exorcism
/swapactionbar [combat] 5 6; [nocombat] 5 1

bar 6 button 1

/cast Shield of the Righteous
/cast Hammer of Wrath
/swapactionbar 6 1

I’m confused.

This will AOE in Seal of Righteousness, and single target on Seal of Truth?

Am I reading that correctly?