T21 Simple but effective

First post here, so…
This is ST for the upcoming T21 Tier using Valarjar pants and Battlelord ring

This has been done by gathering info from all possible sources. I try to keep it simple.

First is the opening/burst sequence. (For this I use a regular macro).

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Avatar
/cast Battle Cry
/cast Bloodbath
/castsequence reset=1 Rampage, Raging Blow, Raging Blow, Raging Blow, Rampage, Odyn’s Fury
/use 13
/use 12

And for rotation outside BC I used John Mets one and tweaked it since I don’t even know how to make GS macros.
NOTE I use Rampage on a separate button to have more control over it.

Sequences['lazyfury'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
Author="John Metz",
Talents = "2333232",
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/cast Bloodthirst",
"/castsequence reset=1 Raging Blow, Raging Blow, Raging Blow, Bloodthirst",
"/cast Furious Slash",

Let me know what you think

So, i’m a noob with this and cant import this to gs (error), i guess i have to do something about it first?

No the OP needs to do something so others can import it. Needs to go into a code box.
I will make an edit to the OP so this can be done and saves pages and pages of attempts :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info and help Cymiryc, but still getting unable to be imported with the second macro,and in chatbox its says:

Storage (string"storage")'2: unexpected symbol near ‘?’

guessing something not right with it? cause i think im doing right with just copy paste it in the import tab like with the older macros i have used here

Yup, i forgot the – needs to be double dashes to comment it out on the 2nd line… noob mistake on my part.
Will work now!

[quote quote=56190]Yup, i forgot the — needs to be double dashes to comment it out on the 2nd line… noob mistake on my part. Will work now!

THANKS! imported with no problem, gonna test it out

I still get this Storage (string”storage”)’2: unexpected symbol near ‘?’

can anyone help me plx and thk alot .