Targeting macro

I have problem with my macro I made few days ago to improve my uptime on Black Arrow in some TOT fights. I think it should be usefull in upcoming patch too. First I will tell you, how I want to show you macro:

/target bossname
/cast Black Arrow

On fights, where is many adds, like Horridon, I want to keep full uptime a Black Arrow on the boss, while I’m currently targeting adds. That’s macro works fine when I’m targeting adds, so problem is when I start fight and when I’m using this macro - after using this, my target is disappear. Can anybody help me with improve that macro to work fine when there is only boss on encounter and when adds come up ?
thanks and sorry for my english

Hello Targetlasttarget49, Maybe a way to make sure it only casts on the boss is by making it as a focus target and obligate the spell to only work under that condition. It should look like this:```
/target bossname
/cast [@focus] Black Arrow

In theory it should work, hopefully it does what you want.

/cast [@bossname]Black Arrow or /cast [@focus]Black Arrow if u focus the boss

Thanks Wes, I forgot to add the @ before focus.

You can try this also:

/cast [@focus,exists][@target]Black Arrow

It will cast Black Arrow on your focus target and if you don’t have a focus target, on your current target