Hello everyone,
Though I would edit this old post rather than add another.
I move to GSE 3 annd have recreated my simple macro in a monkey see, monkey do fashion from other examples.
I have two questions.
You’ll see I have [“Keypress”] = “” below, and I’m not sure if that is a bug and not be there.
My biggest issue is how do I only apply Vampiric Touch after the 18 seconds it take to tick?
I tried adding reset=18 as such “/cast [combat,harm,nodead,nomod] reset=18 Vampiric Touch(Rank 3)”, but the line remains white and I believe this indicates a problem.
I envisage the macro operating as such:
Targets enemy
Makes sure I’m in Shadowform
Casts Vampiric Embrace
Casts Shadow Word:Pain
All the above are once off actions. (My assumption)
Casts Vampiric Touch (18 second CD)
Casts Mind Blast
Casts Mind Flay
Casts Mind Flay
Then returns to the top of [B] and repeats.
But as the Mind Blast and Mind Flays don’t take 18 seconds I want it to jump or not cast Vampiric Touch again which is still applied and jump to Mind Blast > Mind Flay > Mind Flay.
At this point Vampiric Touch will be off CD and when it jumps to the top of [B] it should once again cast cast Vampiric Touch.
I want this to rinse and repeat until the key is lifted.
Help me please!!
Any help would be fantastic and very welcome.
Thank you all for your time.
[“Variables”] = {
[“KeyPress”] = {
[1] = “/targetenemy [noharm,dead]”,
[2] = “/cast [noform:1,nomod] Shadowform”,
[3] = “/cast [harm,nodead,nomod] Vampiric Embrace”
[“KeyRelease”] = {
[1] = “/cast [harm,nodead,nomod] Shadow Word: Pain(Rank 10)”
[“Keypress”] = “”
[“Actions”] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {
[1] = “/cast [combat,harm,nodead,nomod] Vampiric Touch(Rank 3)”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[“Type”] = “Loop”,
[“Repeat”] = 1,
[“StepFunction”] = “Sequential”
[2] = {
[1] = {
[1] = “/cast [combat,harm,nodead,nomod] Mind Blast(Rank 11)”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[“Type”] = “Loop”,
[“Repeat”] = 1,
[“StepFunction”] = “Sequential”
[3] = {
[1] = {
[1] = “/cast [combat,harm,nodead,nomod,nochanneling] Mind Flay(Rank 7)”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[“Type”] = “Loop”,
[“Repeat”] = 2,
[“StepFunction”] = “Sequential”
[“InbuiltVariables”] = {
[“Combat”] = true,
[“Trinket1”] = true,
[“Trinket2”] = true