Work in progress using GSE 3 to make this nifty opener with a dps loop.
You can use an ingame macro to equip a dagger in stealth, or use Itemrack to do it automatically. In Itemrack just create a set with your dagger and assign ‘Rogue Stealth’ event to it.
Put any on use trinket like the JC panther figurine in the top trinket slot (13).
Premeditation is used after the trinket. Hold either Alt to Shadowstep Ambush, or Shift to Cheap Shot open. The macro will pop trinket once you toggle it on, have a target and press a modifier (it will not burn trinket > premed if no target exists and no modifier is pressed, so you can toggle on the macro beforehand without triggering the trinket > premed until you press a mod).
When stealthed:
Holding Alt: Shadowstep > Ambush
Shift: Cheap Shot
Ctrl: Shadowstep > Sap
After the opener, the macro swaps your dagger to your other mh Note: you have to edit the ‘Weapon’ variable in the macro and put your own weapon name in place of ‘Claw of the Black Drake’. It then Kidney Shot > Hemo > Shiv and goes into dps rotation along with Eviscerates. Put crippling on Shiv if target is expect to live and kite after Kidney, otherwise use wound for quicker five stack to prevent healing.
If you dont immediately get the Ambush off when you step due to their moving/positioning, dont release Alt till you do (or alternatively you could manually Ambush). Once out of stealth you can use Alt to Shadowstep as well when its back up.
Having 2 piece Assassination set bonus is useful for the haste buff on Kidney/Cheap Shot.
When out of stealth, the modifiers are:
Shift: Eviscerate
Alt: Thistle Tea
Ctrl: Shiv
With Cheap Shot on Shift in stealth, hold Shift after you do it for Eviscerate instead of Kidney since that would be a waste to KS immediately after CS. You can also press Shift to Evis after Ambush if you want to one shot burst someone with lower hp.
Having Tea on Alt is cool because if you hold Alt till after Step > Ambush, you will Tea just when you need the boost for the faster burst window.
Ctrl is for shivs to prevent being kited.
The best build for this is probably the one made popular by Sbkzor on priv servers:
Version 1 is default for pvp and solo world, version 2 is for dungeons (make it for raids too if you would actually raid with this spec).
Version 2 in stealth modifiers are the same as 1 except Ctrl (Garrote), out of stealth modifiers are different (except Shift Evis):
Shift: Eviscerate
Alt: Slice and Dice
Ctrl: Evasion > Sprint
Version 2 will SnD after opener and will not auto enter Stealth after combat.