Hello. This is the macro I used to get my druid Silver PG soon as I hit 100 (i630). My druid is now up to 2 Hours old @ Lv100. I’ll be testing this macro more tomorrow after work, but it seems to be okish. I don’t really have a bad alt to compare it to and I’m heading to bed before I’ve got a chance to do LFR / Random.
Talents : 3132222 ; It’s what I’m using, but really just Feral Charge is used in the macro.
Major Glyphs : Glyph of Savage Roar, Glyph of Rebirth, Glyph of Cat Form ; Mostly just Roar.
Minor : Glyph of the Treant, Glyph of Travel, Glyph of Grace ; Any
Sequences['FeralST'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl; [stealth] Wild Charge
/cast [stealth] Shred
/cast [combat] Wild Charge
'/castsequence reset=combat Rake, Shred, Shred, Rip, Shred, Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite, Rake, Shred, Shred, Savage Roar, Shred',
'/console autounshift 0',
'/cast [@player,combat] Healing Touch',
'/console autounshift 1',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
Sequences['FeralAoE'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl; [stealth] Wild Charge
/cast [stealth] Shred
/cast [combat] Wild Charge
'/castsequence reset=combat Thrash, Swipe, Swipe, Ferocious Bite, Swipe, Thrash, Swipe, Savage Roar',
"/console autounshift 0",
"/cast [@player,combat] Healing Touch",
"/console autounshift 1",
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
I just have Large CDs in a basic macro:
/castsequence reset=11/combat Tiger's Fury, Berserk
/cast Incarnation: King of the Jungle(Talent, Shapeshift)
Feel free to Use, Change and/or Post these anywhere. I don’t care if it gets stolen, just post some updates here if you find em. =P