The complete(ish) guide to Augmentation for Idiots - GSE Macro / Twist


So I have been playing around with augmentation for the past week and this is the best I can come up with:

This is tested only in Mythic + 10-13

At the start of the Group or Raid:

  1. Cast Source of Magic on the Healer
  2. Cast Blessing of the Bronze for a group buff
  3. Make sure you have Black Attunement set for 4% increased HP to you and 4 allies

Macro must knows:

  1. Set Focus on the tank. This is so Blistering Scales will cast on them

  2. Mouseover DPS for Prescience This is a must as this spell is top priority in Rotation. The reason for Mouseover rather than just letting it cast is so you can take full advantage of it and have it applied to 2 DPS as it is a 12 sec CD with a 18+ sec Buff, so you can have 2 DPS have it at the same time with mouseover

  3. Tip the Scales and Spatial Paradox are in the Macro rotation (Take them out if you wish to have control over them) but they should always be cast on CD anyways

  • Tip the Scales should hopefully cast with Fire Breath at the start

  • Spatial Paradox To make you and your healers gods for 10 secs allowing you to move around and cast

  1. Living Flame is in the macro rotation but is also on a mod /cast [mod:Shift,nochanneling] Living Flame so if you get macro locked (Which will happen when all is on CD and no Essence) just hold Shift to get things going again
  1. Breath of Eons is not in the Macro. Try and only cast this when Ebon Might has been cast otherwise it is wasted DPS

Additional Info:

  1. Use Time Skip before a boss fight if your Ebon Might, Fire Breath and Upheaval are on CD
  2. Use Renewing Blaze during high AOE damage that your group will take as this will heal you for 100% of the damage you take
  3. Use Obsidian Scales to reduce damage taken and increase yours and your 4 nearest HP by 16%
  4. Use Zephyr to reduce damage taken from AOE by 20% and increase movement by 30% for 9sec(ish)

Knowing when to cast each of these 2,3 and 4 additional info points will make you the GOD of the group and make your healers life easier

Good luck and go with honor friend

I run it at 100ms but alot of people say you should not run lower than 250ms so your choice. Try and find out what works for you

All feedback appreciated, any question just ask and I or someone else will surely answer at somepoint

Enjoy :slight_smile:




This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.39.

Twist Macro

About the Twist:


  1. Changed the rotation for Eruption and Living Flame
  • The idea behind this twist is to Hold Shift after Ebon Might is cast so that it will unload Eruption to extend it duration

  • Once Ebon Might duration is finished or Eruption has no more essence to cast, Let go of Shift and it will cast Living Flame which we have changed the spec to increase the damage off

This should give us and the Group more Damage output during the time Ebon Might is active




This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.39.


The Macro you added is not Aug, it is Devastation.

Best regards

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Good catch, updated now :slight_smile:

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Hi Hate, thank you for the quick guide and macro.
Do u know how to cast Fire Breath through the macro without shorten the cast time?

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Nope, Just casting it manually will sort that from what I understand

Although it should be noted that Empower lvl 1 is good for all scenarios while higher Empower lvls are only really needed when a pack of mobs 3+ is low HP


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I tested it and I loved it so far. Thanks!

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added in an additional Rotation Macro - Read the comments

im confused so what macro do we use then? and how do we use them both or do we?

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Try them both and see what one works best for you

Any ideas why my shift mod is not working?

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Have a read of this Thread SHIFT Mod key not working - GSE: Troubleshooting - WoW Lazy Macros

It might help, but it is something on your side and no one can troubleshoot it for you


this is exactly the reason if you are using any elvui mod and the key is not assigned already.

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this did well in its first outing but i didnt actually check the talents before i ran into a 13 i dont think they match up as zephyr and time skip werent in the talents :slight_smile:

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Thank you for noticing, This has now been updated and noted that in the twist version Time Skip is not included


Pretty sure add this in somewhere

/cast [nostance:1] Black Attunement

For twist macro add it in with the Living Flame Block and with non twist the Eruption block


/cast [nostance:1] Black Attunement
/cast Eruption



That worked perfectly for me. I put it into the macro variables at the bottom and seems to be fine.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/startattack [nocombat]
/cast [nostance:1] Black Attunement


OK so I added some variables to this.

~~Tank~~ – returns the Tank


You can still use @mouseover and @focus but if you are being lazy it will figure these out for you.

(You will also need GSE 3.1.40 for this as I found a bug with this in GSE 3.1.39)

Edit Note: I am working on getting from Details the Top 2 DPS for this.


Interesting, I did not know this was possible. Will check it out later when am home from work :slight_smile:

Hope TimothyLuke figures out how to pull data from Details addon seems like an awesome addition to the macro

did details finally get fixed to register Aug stuff correctly. i read that Details (at the time i read it) was giiving bad numbers since it didnt know how to read Aug stuff correctly. I saw Warcraft logs finally reports Aug number more correctly.