The macro stops working automatically

For some reason while the macro is going itd working amzing! then suddenly it seems to just quit and the macro si still cycling through stuff but wont do any more abilities, but i am hitting traning dummys so im not sure if that has an effect vs dungeons

if you are below level 50 it might be the Heart Essence inside the macro. Edit and remove it and you should be fine. It could be disguised as HE also.

If is not that, might have to keep thinking.

I have full-level MM hunters and outlaw stalkers. My hunter macro has never had this kind of error. It has appeared many times in the outlaw macro. This error often appears in the dungeon. /RL is also useless and can only be closed. Re-login to the game to solve it, which made me very embarrassed in front of my teammates. I found that this error was not only seen by me in the forum.

Which macro are you running? Did you ever modify it?

Do you have a log or screenshot of the error?

I will try to take a screenshot and leave a message for you, please wait

This is my GSE basic setting, I did not find the option of converting Chinese to English, please check the location of the option,Thks



Usage Information

Version(s) - 50ms

(1) Full Auto
(2) [mods] for cool-downs (Adrenaline Rush, Ancestral Call)

This macro contains 1 macro version. 该序列导出自GSE 2.6.36.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: 伏击, 嫁祸诀窍

Main Sequence: 影袭, 刺骨, 正中眉心, 刀锋冲刺, 命运骨骰, 申斥回响, 手枪射击

This is the first macro I used, I changed it to SL mode, I use Logitech mouse driver, running speed is 50ms, this red is found and modified from the forum, please check



Talents: 2113322

This macro contains 1 macro version. 该序列导出自GSE 2.6.36.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: 伏击, 嫁祸诀窍

Main Sequence: 影袭, 刀锋冲刺, 刺骨, 正中眉心, 申斥回响, 命运骨骰, 手枪射击, 剑刃乱舞

This is the second macro I used. I created it myself. I changed it to the AOE method. This macro is modified from the SL macro and added Sword Flurry. Please check it out.

Another point,I use the mouse wheel to control slice and dice based on the number of combo points, and it is not added to the macro loop.

When an error occurs, the macro icon will still traverse but will not use any skills and can only use automatic attacks. Stopping the macro and restarting it still cannot make the macro run normally. In some BOSS battles, this problem is very fatal and can be serious. Affect own DPS

I have done experiments. I have used the macro continuously for one and a half hours. It works normally. It seems that the error often occurs when the macro stops and restarts. It will happen in the process of counterfeiting, field PVP, dungeon, tower climbing, etc.

I can’t read that language and not familiar with this macro.

Perhaps can you try my macro and see if this happens?

Something could be corrupted in GSE or the macro. Maybe delete the macro and reimport? Keep a backup.

Same with WTF maybe?

Use external timing MS doesn’t have to be checked if not using click pause feature.

Should get buggrabber and bug sack addons to see if there are any errors that can be logged.

Macro from what I can gather color wise it looks ok.

Maybe some other addon breaking it? Hard to tell.

Try above about backing up and reimporting etc. and see if that helps.

Ok, I will try your suggestion to see if the situation will improve, I am very happy for your reply

Major new discovery! It seems that every time this error occurs, a new garbled file will appear in the WOW folder, the format is such as WoW Loopback.5������, WoW Loopback.89�n� etc. What do you know about it? How to deal with it!

Hi lutechi thank you for your reply,I used /gse debug according to your method,/gse debug showed these results:

OUTLAW_CLASH_V2,4,Between the Ayes from castsequence Between the Ayes (item 1 in castsequence.) ,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
OUTLAW_CLASH_V2,5,Blade Rush from castsequence Blade Rush (item 1 in castsequence.) ,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
OUTLAW_CLASH_V2,6,Echoing Reprimand from castsequence Echoing Reprimand (item 1 in castsequence.) ,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
OUTLAW_CLASH_V2,1,Roll the Bones from castsequence Roll the Bones (item 1 in castsequence.) ,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
OUTLAW_CLASH_V2,2,Echoing Reprimand from castsequence Echoing Reprimand (item 1 in castsequence.) ,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
OUTLAW_CLASH_V2,3,reset=combat Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Eviscerate, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Eviscerate, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Eviscerate, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Eviscerate from castsequence Sinister Strik (item 9 in castsequence.) ,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.

Some red words appear more frequently, such as GCD In Cooldown and Not Able to Cast. May I ask what I need to do to improve these situations?
In addition, attach the error report of Bugsack for your reference. I look forward to your further reply

5x FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:1047: bad argument #1 to ‘strmatch’ (string expected, got nil)
[string “=[C]”]: ?
[string “=[C]”]: ?
[string “@FrameXML\RestrictedFrames.lua”]:673: in function <FrameXML\RestrictedFrames.lua:672>
[string “@FrameXML\RestrictedFrames.lua”]:811: in function CallMethod' [string "local step = self:GetAttribute('step') local loopstart = self:GetAttribute('loopstart') or 1 local loopstop = self:GetAttribute('loopstop') or #macros local loopiter = self:GetAttribute('loopiter') or 1 local looplimit = self:GetAttribute('looplimit') or 0 local clicks = self:GetAttribute('clicks') or 0 local ms = self:GetAttribute('ms') or 1 local limit = self:GetAttribute('limit') or 1 loopstart = tonumber(loopstart) loopstop = tonumber(loopstop) loopiter = tonumber(loopiter) looplimit = tonumber(looplimit) limit = tonumber(limit) clicks = tonumber(clicks) step = tonumber(step) ms = tonumber(ms) self:SetAttribute('macrotext', self:GetAttribute('KeyPress') .. "\n" .. macros[step] .. "\n" .. self:GetAttribute('KeyRelease')) step = step % #macros + 1 local checkstep = step - 1 if checkstep == 0 then checkstep = #macros end if string.sub(macros[checkstep], 1, 12) == "/click pause" then local localpauselimit = tonumber(string.sub(macros[checkstep], 14)) * 1000 local currentMS = clicks * ms if currentMS < localpauselimit then step = checkstep clicks = clicks + 1 else clicks = 1 end end if not step or not macros[step] then -- User attempted to write a step method that doesn't work, reset to 1 print('Invalid step assigned by custom step sequence', self:GetName(), step or 'nil', '') step = 1 end self:SetAttribute('step', step) self:SetAttribute('loopiter', loopiter) self:SetAttribute('clicks', clicks) self:SetAttribute('ms', ms) self:SetAttribute('limit', limit) self:CallMethod('UpdateIcon') "]:42: in function <[string "local step = self:GetAttribute('step')..."]:1> [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "@FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua"]:484: in function <FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:447> [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua"]:285: in function <FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:279> [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function Click’

[string “@FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua”]:4757: in function ChatEdit_SendText' [string "@FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:3049: in function <FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3042> [string "=[C]"]: in function UseAction’
[string “@FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua”]:345: in function `handler’
[string “@FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua”]:654: in function <FrameXML\SecureTemplates.lua:602>
[string “=[C]”]: ?
[string “@FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua”]:266: in function <FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:263>
[string “=[C]”]: ?
[string “@FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua”]:296: in function <FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:279>
[string “=(tail call)”]: ?