The Unholy Grail - Amazing 1button lazy deeps

I’m the paranoid type (and I realize it’s silly) that doesn’t get too share-happy in fears it attracts nerfs etc. Figured pretty soon all our macros are getting destroyed anyway in 6.0 so here ya go, you can enjoy it for a bit. I love it. Amazing AOE and ST, no need to swap out for different situations. Best part: 100% lazy 1-button

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=combat/5 Icy Touch,!Unholy Presence,Alchemist's Flask,Crystal of Insanity,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Remorseless Winter
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Summon Gargoyle
/castsequence [pet:Ghoul]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Dark Transformation;[nopet]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Raise Dead
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Horn of Winter
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Death Coil
/castsequence reset=target/5 Plague Strike,Blood Boil,Soul Reaper,Icy Touch,Scourge Strike,Blood Boil,Scourge Strike,Icy Touch,Scourge Strike,Soul Reaper,Blood Boil,Scourge Strike,Scourge Strike,Blood Boil
/use Icebound Fortitude
/use Unholy Frenzy
/use Anti-Magic Shell
/castsequence reset=combat Horn of Winter,Horn of Winter,Horn of Winter,Empower Rune Weapon
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Talent-wise I use Rolling Blood and I recommend no Blood Tap. I suggest Runic Empowerment but I suppose the macro would function fine with Runic Corruption, or hell even Blood Tap if you want to manually juggle it, meh. ATM I don’t recall it mattering too much what other talents you use, or glyphs, but I will edit if I remember any others

Gonna explain the Icy Touch,!Unholy Presence,Alchemist’s Flask,Crystal of Insanity,null line. Icy touch is there for tagging purposes like Timeless Isle or what-not. As for the rest of the line, I enjoy not having to remember to self-buff

Festering Strike is intentionally absent. I found it almost always causes inefficiencies when I try to work it in. If your ghoul dies this macro will re-summon him. No manual intervention needed. Empower Rune Weapon will reliably pop after three horns have been blown. It’s rarely wasted. Obviously remove defensive cds if you want, but again, I like truly lazy


Whoa, what the hell is happening to macros?

don’t know whats going on with macros in the upcoming expac… just wanted to say thanks Chris for making this macro that actually works yours is the first that ive found that i don’t have to tweek and has made playing unholy fun to play again but im still looking for one that works like this one does for frost anyway thanks again chris

/castsequence 0,0,0,0, macros don’t work on beta, at least last I checked. TBH I was surprised they didn’t close that hole before now. But hey if they end up working on live that will be a relief. But outside of that, with all ability pruning and semi-overhaul of all classes, I will no doubt have to recreate all macros from scratch. I’m glad this one’s working for ya.