TWW Beta - OAK Ret Pally ST & AOE Dungeon Build - Works both Herald & Templar Hero Specs

TWW Beta - OAK Ret Pally ST & AOE Dungeon Build - Works both Herald & Templar Hero Specs

Alrighty, things are a little wonky on beta and GSE has changed a lot. This is what I got and it seems to work quite well.

It works alot like my live sequences.
Hold CTRL to heal your mouseover target or Battle Rez your mouseover target if they’re dead
If you are a TEMPLAR Hero Talent build, watch for wake of ashes to be ready and HOLD SHIFT+ALT. This forces your holy power into Hammer of Light instead of other spenders. But you gotta hold it down until hammer of light is cast.

It tries to do right on it’s own without the shift alt, but shift alt is much more reliable.

It’s gonna require a little work on the user’s part as multiple macros must be made. (5 Different Macros)
The Sequence will call these macros, so it’s very important that you name them correctly.

First, make the macros by typing /macro

Name the Macros and use whatever icon you want, the icon doesn’t matter.

It works for both hero specs, but I’m liking the damage from Herald of the Sun better and it’s easier because it’s pretty much passive.

Talents I’m currently using



  1. SingleTarget
/click [nochanneling] RETST 
/use [nochanneling, combat] 13
/use [nochanneling, combat] 14
  1. AOE
/click [nochanneling] RETAE
/use [nochanneling, combat] 13
/use [nochanneling, combat] 14
  1. FR
/castsequence [known:Final Reckoning, combat, @player] reset=combat Final Reckoning, Divine Toll
/cast [mod:ctrl, @focus, dead, exists][mod:ctrl, @mouseover, dead, exists] Intercession; [mod:ctrl, @focus, help, nodead][mod:ctrl,@mouseover, help, nodead][mod:ctrl] Word of Glory
/cast [mod:shiftalt] Wake of Ashes
/cast [combat] Final Verdict
/cast [mod:ctrl, @focus, dead, exists][mod:ctrl, @mouseover, dead, exists] Intercession; [mod:ctrl, @focus, help, nodead][mod:ctrl,@mouseover, help, nodead][mod:ctrl] Word of Glory
/cast [mod:shiftalt] Wake of Ashes
/cast [combat] Divine Storm

Now the two sequences you gotta import into the Patreon Build of GSE

Single Target




Any assistance, go to TIM’s GSE discord and ask there. I’ll do what I can…
Good Luck and have fun testing.

AOE works great single gets stuck here and there

where do i find the beta version of gse?


So as to my understanding GSE will now be used like the old Macrotoolkit ?

I’ve never used MacroToolKit, but I don’t think so.

Macro toolkit wont work, because cannot extend +255 chars that is the max in macros.

Restricted towards War Within for sure.


Talents are out of date, cant import

Remember that with every beta build ( weekly ), everything changes ( from talents, to talents string text , etc… )

So you need to wait till OP updates it ( if ).
