ULTIMATE 1-BUTTON MACRO - Fury Warrior leveling in Wrath of the Lich King



Talents: WotLK Talent Calculator - WotLK Classic

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.36.

["Variables"] = {
    ["KeyRelease"] = {
        [1] = "/startattack",
        [2] = "/cast Blood Fury",
        [3] = "/use [combat]  13",
        [4] = "/use [combat]  14"
    ["KeyPress"] = {
        [1] = "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        [2] = "/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance",
        [3] = "/cast [mod:shift] Charge",
        [4] = "/cast [mod:shift] Whirlwind",
        [5] = "/equip [mod:shift] Heavy Copper Maul",
        [6] = "/cast [mod:ctrl] Death Wish",
        [7] = "/cast [mod:ctrl] Recklessness",
        [8] = "/cast [mod:alt] Hamstring",
        [9] = "/equip [mod:alt] Sergeant's Warhammer of Strength",
        [10] = "/equip [mod:alt] Banded Buckler",
        [11] = "/cast [mod:alt] Shield Bash",
        [12] = "/cast [nostance:1/2] Battle Stance",
        [13] = "/sit [combat]"
["Actions"] = {
    [1] = {
        [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
        [2] = "/cast Bloodrage",
        [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
        ["Type"] = "Action"
    [2] = {
        [1] = {
            [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
            [2] = "/castsequence  reset=combat/target  Rend, null",
            [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [2] = {
            [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
            [2] = "/cast Overpower",
            [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [3] = {
            [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
            [2] = "/cast Mortal Strike",
            [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [4] = {
            [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
            [2] = "/cast Rampage",
            [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [5] = {
            [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
            [2] = "/cast Execute",
            [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [6] = {
            [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
            [2] = "/cast Heroic Strike",
            [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [7] = {
            [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
            [2] = "/cast Slam",
            [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [8] = {
            [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
            [2] = "/cast Whirlwind",
            [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        ["Repeat"] = 2,
        ["Type"] = "Loop",
        ["StepFunction"] = "Priority"
["InbuiltVariables"] = {


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(you will need to replace the weapon names to match yours)

This is the most in-depth macro I’ve made yet - pretty proud of this one.

  1. In short; Spam the button, does your optimal rotation for max dps. If you hold shift while spamming it, it will open with a charge and keep holding it for it to prio aoe over single target max dps. Hold alt while spamming it and it will immediately equip a shield and 1-hander and shield bash to interrupt a cast and hamstring them. And hold Ctrl while spamming it to have it pop all your cooldowns.
    It will also only apply rend once on your target, instead of spamming it wasting rage.

Oh - and it will re-equip your 2h hander back when you hold shift again.
-You can use this at any level-
Have fun

And that’s not near all -
I’ll incorporate stance dancing and other tricks as I level my warrior.

Giving it a go right now.
What spec are you using? the talent Calculator only has 4 points on it?

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Fury Warrior DPS Talent Builds and Glyphs - Wrath of the Lich King Classic - Wowhead

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ok Respeced! now to really give it a go.

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The rotation is fun and effective! My biggest issues so far is that I’m not able to get it to equip my off-hand 2h sword. Any thoughts on how to get it to do that?

Sequences[‘WarriorFury’] = {
Talents = “2332233”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance”,
“/cast [mod:shift] Charge”,
“/cast [mod:shift] Whirlwind”,
“/equip [mod:shift] Heavy Copper Maul; Your Off-Hand Sword”,
“/cast [mod:ctrl] Death Wish”,
“/cast [mod:ctrl] Recklessness”,
“/cast [mod:alt] Hamstring”,
“/equip [mod:alt] Sergeant’s Warhammer of Strength; Banded Buckler”,
“/cast [mod:alt] Shield Bash”,
“/cast [nostance:1/2] Battle Stance”,
“/sit [combat]”,
“/cast Blood Fury”,
“/use [combat] 13”,
“/use [combat] 14”,
“/cast Bloodrage”,
“/castsequence reset=combat/target Rend, null”,
“/cast Overpower”,
“/cast Mortal Strike”,
“/cast Rampage”,
“/cast Execute”,
“/cast Heroic Strike”,
“/cast Slam”,
“/cast Whirlwind”,

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Just make changes to those two lines and let me know

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Yea, that doesn’t work for either. I think the issue might be that I have the same weapon for off and main. Let me see if I can get It to work with another one

EDIT: Yea, even when I change to two different weapons names, it only equips/unequips the main hand.

Try dedicating a line to each weapon:

“/equip [mod:shift] Heavy Copper Maul”,
“/equip [mod:shift] Your Off-Hand”,
“/cast [mod:ctrl] Death Wish”,
“/cast [mod:ctrl] Recklessness”,
“/cast [mod:alt] Hamstring”,
“/equip [mod:alt] Sergeant’s Warhammer of Strength”,
“/equip [mod:alt] Your Sheild”,

And if that doesn’t work - maybe the issue is with the way the /equip command works. The /equip command will try to equip an item in the most appropriate slot, and if the item is already equipped, it will swap it with the new item. This might cause some problems when trying to equip two similar weapons in different slots.

One possible solution is to use the /equipslot command instead of the /equip command. The /equipslot command allows you to specify which slot you want to equip an item in. For example:

/equipslot [mod:shift] 16 Heavy Copper Maul /equipslot [mod:shift] 17 Your Off-Hand Sword

This should equip the Heavy Copper Maul in your main hand slot (16) and your off-hand sword in your off-hand slot (17) when you press shift. You can also use other modifiers or conditions as before.

You can find a list of slot numbers here: InventorySlotId | WoWWiki | Fandom

Here’s an example:
Sequences[‘WarriorFury’] = {
Talents = “2332233”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance”,
“/cast [mod:shift] Charge”,
“/cast [mod:shift] Whirlwind”,
“/equipslot [mod:shift] 16 Heavy Copper Maul”,
“/equipslot [mod:shift] 17 Your Off-Hand Sword”,
“/cast [mod:ctrl] Death Wish”,
“/cast [mod:ctrl] Recklessness”,
“/cast [mod:alt] Hamstring”,
“/equipslot [mod:alt] 16 Sergeant’s Warhammer of Strength”,
“/equipslot [mod:alt] 17 Banded Buckler”,
“/cast [mod:alt] Shield Bash”,
“/cast [nostance:1/2] Battle Stance”,
“/sit [combat]”,
“/cast Blood Fury”,
“/use [combat] 13”,
“/use [combat] 14”,
“/cast Bloodrage”,
“/castsequence reset=combat/target Rend, null”,
“/cast Overpower”,
“/cast Mortal Strike”,
“/cast Rampage”,
“/cast Execute”,
“/cast Heroic Strike”,
“/cast Slam”,
“/cast Whirlwind”,

That works for the shield but not the weapons, i believe because the shield defaults as off-hand and weapons do not. I even tried
/equip [mod:shift] Forged Cobalt Claymore
/equipslot17 [mod:shift] Forged Cobalt Claymore

But no luck.

/equipslot [mod:shift] 16 Forged Cobalt Claymore
/equipslot [mod:shift] 17 Forged Cobalt Claymore

(I’ll upload a new version of this when I get home - in the meantime, this is a good resource: Useful macros | WoWWiki | Fandom

NOTE: this resource page does not take into account special privileges Gnome Sequencer allows.

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yea, that didnt work either.

The issue is that they are the same name. Found this on (Making a macro | WoWWiki | Fandom)

Swap between your offhand and a shield:

/equipslot [equipped:Shields] 17 Merciless Gladiator’s Cleaver; 17 Crest of the Sha’tar

Note: If you are trying to equip two of the same weapon simultaneously into different slots, your macro will not work properly.

I went into fixing this macro dreading how difficult it was going to be — but it just worked first try.
Not sure why it didn’t work for you?
Here’s the small change I made:



Talents: WotLK Talent Calculator - WotLK Classic

This macro contains 2 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.37.

  • The Default macro template is 1
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Only thing I did was change the lines like I mentioned - here’s plain view of what that code is:

    ["Variables"] = {
        ["KeyRelease"] = {
            [1] = "/startattack",
            [2] = "/cast Blood Fury",
            [3] = "/use [combat]  13",
            [4] = "/use [combat]  14"
        ["KeyPress"] = {
            [1] = "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
            [2] = "/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance",
            [3] = "/cast [mod:shift] Charge",
            [4] = "/cast [mod:shift] Whirlwind",
            [5] = "/equipslot [mod:shift] 16 Callous Axe",
            [6] = "/equipslot [mod:shift] 17 Meteor Shard",
            [7] = "/cast [mod:ctrl] Death Wish",
            [8] = "/cast [mod:ctrl] Recklessness",
            [9] = "/cast [mod:alt] Hamstring",
            [10] = "/equip [mod:ctrl] Meteor Shard",
            [11] = "/equip [mod:ctrl] Worn Turtle Shell Shield",
            [12] = "/cast [mod:ctrl] Shield Bash",
            [13] = "/cast [nostance:1/2] Defensive Stance",
            [14] = "/sit [combat]"
    ["Actions"] = {
        [1] = {
            [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
            [2] = "/cast Bloodrage",
            [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [2] = {
            [1] = {
                [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
                [2] = "/castsequence  reset=combat/target  Rend, null",
                [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
                ["Type"] = "Action"
            [2] = {
                [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
                [2] = "/cast Overpower",
                [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
                ["Type"] = "Action"
            [3] = {
                [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
                [2] = "/cast Mortal Strike",
                [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
                ["Type"] = "Action"
            [4] = {
                [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
                [2] = "/cast Rampage",
                [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
                ["Type"] = "Action"
            [5] = {
                [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
                [2] = "/cast Victory Rush",
                [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
                ["Type"] = "Action"
            [6] = {
                [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
                [2] = "/cast Execute",
                [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
                ["Type"] = "Action"
            [7] = {
                [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
                [2] = "/cast Heroic Strike",
                [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
                ["Type"] = "Action"
            [8] = {
                [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
                [2] = "/cast Slam",
                [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
                ["Type"] = "Action"
            [9] = {
                [1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
                [2] = "/cast Whirlwind",
                [3] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
                ["Type"] = "Action"
            ["Type"] = "Loop",
            ["Repeat"] = 2,
            ["StepFunction"] = "Priority"
    ["InbuiltVariables"] = {
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The issue boiled down to the same weapon names. Thanks for putting the work into it!

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