Ultimate SHADOW and DISC Priest MACROs 5.3


Talents used are >>> [Body and Soul], [Mindbender] and [Divine Insight]

I placed PWS and Renew with a null vairable so that PWS would go off first than renew but that renew wouldnt be cast more than once in pvp on a target before switching targets, however left PWS on a seperate priority listing so as to allow it to be used again if the Weakened Soul Effect wasnt applied on the same target. There is the risk of clipping your penance so you have to watch it, but I find it easier to just put it in the macro. You could take it out if you wanted. Once again keybind binding heal seperately if you want to and I might do that myself. All I can say is that not including my total absorbs from shields, I pulled 8.2 mil heals in a WSG yesterday with an 85 DISC priest using this macro. I know that is a ton for a lvl 85 and I was 6 mil heals above all other healers. That is without using Cascade and running in IL396 gear.


Talents used are >>> [Body and Soul], [Solace and Insanity] and [Divine Insight]

I have spent so much time testing this out and these are my personal ones. They are epic. Im not afraid to say it. However I would feel bad not sharing them. They all work perfect. I seen people try to macro in DP into a /castsequence line but that just doesnt work. Its best to have it on a seperate macro with MF in the same macro. It is less latency to put MF in the same macro than simply clicking DP and going back to the main macro, plus it guarantees that MF goes off rather than cycling through other abilities in your main rotation macro. Also this shadow macro is great as it casts MB as soon as its available due to Divine Insight Procs. Whats also great about this macro is that it allows you to multi-dot SWP. You might want to take out Halo for something else.

Also the shadow healing macro sets Flash Heal as the lowest priority so that you can shield and renew without being popped out of shadow form, but if you do the first line of my main shadow rotation macro will automatically pop you back into it; however with the loss of a GCD of coarse. I also set PWS and Renew with a null variable instead of in a /castsequence line so that it wouldnt keep casting renew over and over. I seen people with macros like that and they dont work properly. The only thing I see that might need to be changed is with binding heal. However, in arena is probably good to have it in there.

I am posting this to help but also to receive some feedback. I am mostly intending to use this all for pvp, but would like to do some pve as well.

DISC Main Heal Rotation Macro

#showtooltip Power Word: Shield
/target mouseover
/castsequence reset=10/combat/target Power Word: Shield,Renew,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Binding Heal
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Flash Heal
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Penance
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Prayer of Mending
/castsequence reset=0.3 Power Word: Shield
/cast !Cascade

SHADOW Main Rotation Macro

/targetenemy [noharm]
/cast [noform] !Shadowform
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,1,2,3,Shadowfiend
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,1,2,Halo
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,1,Mind Blast
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,Shadow Word: Death
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target/19 Shadow Word: Pain,Vampiric Touch,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Flay
/cast !Mind Blast


/castsequence reset=combat/target Devouring Plague,null
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 Mind Flay


#showtooltip Power Word: Shield
/target mouseover
/castsequence reset=10/combat/target Power Word: Shield,Renew,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Flash Heal
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Prayer of Mending
/castsequence reset=0.3 Power Word: Shield

Also here are my character names if someone plays on Tichondrius-Alliance and wants to contact me. You have to copy-paste the names into chat as they have special characters.

Resto Druid > Offlìne
Arms Warrior > Offlíne
DISC Priest > Onlìne

#showtooltip Power Word: Shield
/target mouseover
/castsequence reset=10/combat/target Power Word: Shield,Renew,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Flash Heal
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Prayer of Mending
/castsequence reset=0.3 Power Word: Shield

I know all the other macros work 100% but this shadow healing macro has a hangup sometimes on flash heal. If anyone might be able to test it out and make it so that in combat i can still cast flash heal even if prayer of mending and power word shield are not available would be nice. I noticed this when casting on myself, not when switching targets.

sry mate but your SHADOW DEVOURING PLAUGE Macro adds the plauge but fails to mind flay

here we go found a work around for the devouring plague sequence try this mate

/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=5 Devouring Plague,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Flay

Thanks buddy, but it works perfect with me. Maybe its because you are not using Macro Toolkit. However, it doesnt hurt to have another form. I appreciate the input Mark.

Why not just put DP as a mod?

/targetenemy [noharm]
/cast [noform] !Shadowform
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,1,2,3,Shadowfiend
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,1,2,Halo
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,1,Mind Blast
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,Shadow Word: Death
/castsequence [mod,nochanneling]Devouring Plague;reset=target/19 Shadow Word: Pain,Vampiric Touch,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Flay
/cast !Mind Blast

that why it eliminates the need of a 2nd macro and all you have to do is press alt, ctrl or shift for DP

I tested your macro and the original macro i use wich has the MB,MB,MB,DP castsequence and i pulled 53k after 3 mins on both of them. low geared atm heh

The only thing i noticed is that i use less mana with your macro for some reason. other than than they are the same imo.

Awesome so it works good for you yah? 53k in what IL Gear? Also yah you could put DP as a mod if you wanted to. Even more lazy haha, but why put VT before it since it should already be up and wouldnt that limit the number of MFs you could get off with your insanity procs?

I created better healing macros for it. I will post them shortly. Never locks up anymore.

[quote quote=9945]Why not just put DP as a mod?

/targetenemy [noharm]
/cast [noform] !Shadowform
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,1,2,3,Shadowfiend
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,1,2,Halo
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,1,Mind Blast
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,Shadow Word: Death
/castsequence [mod,nochanneling]Devouring Plague;reset=target/19 Shadow Word: Pain,Vampiric Touch,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Flay
/cast !Mind Blast

that why it eliminates the need of a 2nd macro and all you have to do is press alt, ctrl or shift for DP

The reason you do not use DP as a mod is because you cannot ensure that mindflay will be used after casting DP; hence you will waste part of your insanity proc.

Anyway I actually play Disc and Holy and my Disc dps macro which I created a thread for is really amazing. Works perfectly. Shadow was just for lvling.

u can always use

True you could but in pvp it would not be ideal in my book to do this because if the guy is about to die its a waste of a devouring plague and insanity mind flay rotation to use it. I want to use it situationaly. If the guy is about to die i want to finish him off with mind blast and shadow word death, they dot up the next target and blow him up. However, your macro is probably really good for pve. Thanks buddy :wink:

Whenever I try to use any macros off this site they get cut off because they’re too long :S

Hello Subsized, you have to install an addon to extend the characters limit.
You can find more information here: Macro Toolkit , new SDM replacement and much more - User Interface Add-ons - WoW Lazy Macros

Just wanted to say thanks to you Chris, your macro’s are awsome. and they work with no hangups, good job

Thanks and glad to hear, but you should be referring to the patch 5.4 posting for shadow in the forums.