Unholy dk bfa 8.3

ok… had a brain fart with the ? thing… had too many macros and was at my limit… once i deleted a few it works fine importing…and thanks for the loop info…perfect… thanks again… now i wanna try and see how it does…

Outside of the opener the macro never builds enough FW to use apoc…even with UF activated…i’m having to stop the macro and apply FW manually for Apoc…running at 50ms, Anything i can change on my end?

What is the first Talent are you running as All will serve reduces the amount of festering stacks available that the per would otherwise generate for you,

Hi dude!
Can you pls make a new macro for 8.2?
I need another good macro from you for PVE pls.

Your macros are the best John!

Greetings from Tirol!

There are no changes with 8.2, why should he make a new one?

nothing has changed so no need to,
the only thing to add if needed is the essence used,
which will just be /cast “essence name”

Having an Issue with Outbreak firing to Early. The disease is at 50% when it Pops it again. Running at 50 MS no changes were made to the macro.


I always use your macros.

I can’t use this one. My wow is in Portuguese and your macro is not being translated.

@John-Metz can you confirm if this is still viable for 8.3? I"m honestly not sure what has changed.

ok for 8.3 nothing has changed rotation wise, so the macro is fine.

the one below is still the same but i have just added heart essence into the mix
still best to manually apply FS to get 4 stacks and fire apoc on the pull

and best old off using Apoc mid fight with unholy frenzy

Talents 1233312

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.3.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Festering Strike

KeyPress: Apocalypse, Death Coil

Main Sequence: Soul Reaper, Heart Essence, Raise Dead, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Dark Transformation, Outbreak, Unholy Frenzy, Scourge Strike

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

Thanks for the update John.

bonjour je suis a la recherche d4une macro avec ce Template merci

Hi, the only change to the macro which is something you can do is change the line in the Keypress section that says [mod: alt] Deathcoil, by replacing Deathcoil with Epidemic.

taking clawing shadows will automatically change your scourge strikes.

just be aware that not taking infected claws and Pestilence, you may have to keep an extra eye on your stacks of festering in your target.