Updated One Button NON GS Macro for MM Hunter

Your Talents need to be 1 1 1 1 1 3 3
And Glyphs need to be Chimera Shot, Liberaion,Mirrored Blades
Go all out Crit Multi
Keep Draenic Agility Potions in bags at all times.
These tests where done with 680 ilvl
Change the on use trinket to your on use trinket or take that line out.

#showtooltip Aimed Shot
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [combat]Rapid Fire
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=9 Chimaera Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot,Aimed Shot,Steady Shot
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=60 !A Murder of Crows,!Barrage,!Barrage,!Barrage
/castrandom [combat] !kill shot
/use Mirror of the Blademaster
/use [combat] Draenic Agility Potion

What kind of dps are you pulling with this macro, Currently 92 here so looking for a strong marks macro to use once I hit cap.


This macro seems to be the best one out there, nothing comes even close to it and I have tried ALL other << macros

Whoever the person was who made this, Clearly understands Hunters and MM spec (about time on this forum to see)

you have alot of up time on steady focus, which is vital, you are not focus starved, but your also not focus capped, shots fire off very nice for chimaera and barrage and aim shot.

Now we need an AOE on that is just as spot on as this macro.

Hopefully the author can make one?

I used too use alot of gnome sequencer macro’s but no-one on here seems to know how to make them properly and now it makes no difference as this macro is the one that works spot on.

Except I use Stampede and not crows
And MM uses Crit as Primary Stat

[quote quote=24985]This macro seems to be the best one out there, nothing comes even close to it and I have tried ALL other << macros
Whoever the person was who made this, Clearly understands Hunters and MM spec (about time on this forum to see)
you have alot of up time on steady focus, which is vital, you are not focus starved, but your also not focus capped, shots fire off very nice for chimaera and barrage and aim shot.
Now we need an AOE on that is just as spot on as this macro.
Hopefully the author can make one?
I used too use alot of gnome sequencer macro’s but no-one on here seems to know how to make them properly and now it makes no difference as this macro is the one that works spot on.
Except I use Stampede and not crows And MM uses Crit as Primary Stat
One thing i noticed is kill shot is not in the macro. Is there a good play to put it or just use a seperate button for it?

I tried making an AOE from Dezoran code so try it out and see if it works for you.

#showtooltip Aimed Shot
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [combat]Rapid Fire
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=9 Chimaera Shot,Multi-Shot,Steady Shot,Aimed Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot
/cast !Barrage

Thanks for the nice comment sorry but I have been working on a BM one and now its done ill look into doing AOE macros next… :slight_smile:

I really like what you’ve started here! I’ve been trying to mess with this myself, and I think we could really maximize this macro!

Things I’ve noticed and hopefully together as a community we can get them started :).

  1. A Murder of Crows upon reset from killing does not recast until 60 seconds from originally cast.
  2. Barrage sometimes gets interrupted early.
  3. Some way to put kill shot on here so that is priority when enemy gets under 30%

I feel if we can get those done your macro, although it already is the best out there, will be even better!

Let me know what you think!

Unfortunately due to blizzards macro limitations what you are asking I think is not possible for the most part. You may be able to add something like

/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=60/target !A Murder of Crows,!Barrage,!Barrage,!Barrage

it would reset on new target this would be useful if your Murder of crows was up when the previous target was killed if not then the whole string will hang up waiting on crows CD. Kill shot in my opinion is still best served on a separate button hope this helps a little bit.

Here is my modified AOE version using glaive toss sometimes barrage gets me in trouble with add pulls please feel free to try it out and let me know if it works I seem to do ok with it. If you would like to use barrage just replace the glaive toss with 3 sets of barrage and it will work.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [combat]Rapid Fire
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=9 Chimaera Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot,multi-shot,Steady Shot,steady shot
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=60/combat !A Murder of Crows,!glaive toss,!glaive toss,!glaive toss,!glaive toss

/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=60/combat !A Murder of Crows,!glaive toss,!glaive toss,!glaive toss,!glaive toss

Will cause you way to many problems due to reset after re select so I would not use this the reason for the mastered 60 seconds no matter what is for it to function without a hangup which as you all know is VERY hard on a lot of stuff on macros now.

If though you want to make a AE macro with it you would be be better off just using barrage and multi shot for fast and reset fast times.

[quote quote=25013]I really like what you’ve started here! I’ve been trying to mess with this myself, and I think we could really maximize this macro!
Things I’ve noticed and hopefully together as a community we can get them started :).

  1. A Murder of Crows upon reset from killing does not recast until 60 seconds from originally cast. 2. Barrage sometimes gets interrupted early. 3. Some way to put kill shot on here so that is priority when enemy gets under 30%
    I feel if we can get those done your macro, although it already is the best out there, will be even better!
    Let me know what you think!

I have no hangups on the one I made at all it must be a added feature you’ve added ?

I agree, this Macro seems to be the best non GS out there for MM hunter, Also the BM macro by this same author works realy well. Kill shot is on a separate key.

#showtooltip Aimed Shot
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [combat]Rapid Fire
/use Draenic Agility Potion
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=9 Chimaera Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot,Aimed Shot,Steady Shot
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=60 !A Murder of Crows,!Barrage,!Barrage,!Barrage

It depends if you have a on use relic. if timed poorly the activation of the relic could cause barrage to end early. It’s just bad timing lol.


This is to big of a macro to copy and paste are you using somethinf differnt

use macro toolkit

Andrew sent you a pm