I do realize alot of the same macros still work in 5.4
But they have been subtle changes here and there tho.
I was just curious and this is a question for the admins of this website. I realize its a huge undertaking and probably it also revolves alot of input from fans of this site to help out.
But they are so many threads now from the start of MOP. I was just wondering since this is the final version of all classes until the new EP (Or pre-patch update.) Could we get this page cleaned up a bit and have all macros updated for 5.4? (And old threads either archived or deleted.)
There is alot of em done already. For example, I put in one that has been doing well for me on my surv hunter.
I was just curious if that could be done. I have some other alts I would level to play with once I got them to 90. (Shadow Priest, Etc.)