Using 'Zoo' build and macro


go to OPTIONS, put check marks in the slots you was to be used.

I use the pawn string in the Icy Veins guide and swap gear out as I can. Generally, although I have a lot of gear choices, there isn’t all that much choice for gear to try to go for an abundance of crit. I make sure I have the 4 piece bonus, equip legendaries as appropriate for the fight mechanics then use the best pieces I have left.


I love this macro but it keeps just sort of stopping for lack of a better phrase in fights. If I drag it back on the toolbar it starts again but its bugging out a lot. Is that addon related possibly? Love your work btw.

Possibly an add-on is causing it, but it also might be something else. I am not having this issue with it and to the best of my knowledge, you are the only one reporting the issue.

From the tenor of your post, it sounds like you are using a keyboard macro to spam the macro, instead of manually spamming it. If so, you might look at the software fir your keyboard.

For example, my Logitech keyboard has software in which I can program my macro keys. Part of this software is setting up a ‘profile’. If I use the WOW profile, the macro stops anytime the wow client loses focus. If I use the generic default profile, the macro continues regardless of which window has focus. IN this context, ‘macro’ means the keyboard macro, not the Beast Mastery macro running in wow.


So macro is working but when i hold control and spam the macro it does nothing is there something else i should be holding

I’m def spamming the button, oh well I’ll keep digging. Keep up the good work man, love your stuff and thanks for the help.

What hotkey do you have the macro set to? If it is on the numbers keys it won’t work if you start hitting CTRL-1 (for example). Control-1 invokes a different actionbar or does nothing if not assigned.

By default, CTRL-1 presses the Pet Action Button 1, CTRL-2 thru 10 invokes the Pet Action Button 2 thru 10 respectively.

I place my macro on the - key which doesn’t have any CTRL- assignments.

I am fairly sure that is the problem you guys are having.


[quote quote=51207]What hotkey do you have the macro set to? If it is on the numbers keys it won’t work if you start hitting CTRL-1 (for example). Control-1 invokes a different actionbar or does nothing if not assigned.
By default, CTRL-1 presses the Pet Action Button 1, CTRL-2 thru 10 invokes the Pet Action Button 2 thru 10 respectively.
I place my macro on the – key which doesn’t have any CTRL- assignments.
I am fairly sure that is the problem you guys are having.

yes i have it on the 1 key

IF you want to leave it on the 1 key you can change the modifier to ALT, or disable the Pet Action Bar 1 assignment for CTRL-1.


Hi Gween

can you please post the macros without CTRL/ALT, i’m having difficulties in playing with Mods


[quote quote=51209]IF you want to leave it on the 1 key you can change the modifier to ALT, or disable the Pet Action Bar 1 assignment for CTRL-1.
[/quote]how do you do this

Figured it out thanks man works like a charm now

Is there a way to splitt that in two Macros instead using CTRL as a modifier?

[quote quote=51252]Is there a way to splitt that in two Macros instead using CTRL as a modifier?

Was wondering the same. I like to use 2 macros, instead of the ctrl…keys

[quote quote=51084]

Also, would you be coming out with 1 which is spec for Aspect Of The Beast?

I do like the AOTB build, but haven’t used it lately. I will try it out and see if I come with something that is worth posting. It should be noted that I don’t trust sims or training dummies for some builds as it doesn’t always accurately reflect real damage against raid bosses. So most of my testing is in LFR. Gween [/quote]

Hi Gween, hows your testing so far with AOTB build? I sorted out my error and thank you once again for this beautiful configuration.

Hi Gween! I just had to comment and say THANKS!! I’ve been using your macros for a while now and they’ve been great. This one has been a life saver for me as my DPS has been crap since we started raiding TOS and I got a lot of the T20 gear. I did as you suggested and went with the zoo build. I am currently at 914 iLvl (which was higher, but I took off some of the T20 (kept 4 for set bonus) and put some T19 gear on again for the 2 pc set bonus there). I gemmed and enchanted for crit to raise it to 39%, and my mastery went down to about 63% (was about 80). I had the leggo shoulders, but took that off in favor of the new “Soul of the Huntmaster” ring. Set my talents just like you suggested also and my DPS has gone up dramatically! Thank you SO much for the macro and guidance! I would not be able to even raid without it!

Divide into two macros please aoе and solo …

[quote quote=51252]Is there a way to split that in two Macros instead using CTRL as a modifier?

Sure. Just have the Sequence part include these lines only:

/cast Dire Beast
/cast Multi-Shot

Sequences['GweenMulti'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.04.
  Author="Gweenn@Bleeding Hollow",
  Talents = "3111332",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix",
        "/cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet",
        "/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player] Spirit Mend",
        "/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection",
        "/cast [combat] Bestial Wrath",
        "/cast [combat] Blood Fury",
        "/cast [combat] Titan's Thunder",
        "/cast [combat] Aspect of the Wild",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Counter Shot",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Intimidation",
        "/cast Dire Beast",
        "/cast Multi-Shot",

I have tested extensively with various AOTB builds and unfortunately I wasn’t able to come up with anything that was competitive with my current configuration.

Also AOTB logic is harder to macro, because it’s not a reliable focus use. Depending on how I did it, I always ended up focus capped, or focus starved and couldn’t find a balance.

Thanks for the feedback. I do appreciate when people acknowledge and credit my efforts, which is why I continue to share my efforts.

Please be sure to check out my updates in the original post. I am recommending different talents and have updated the macro.

This is done in the tabs for GSSE. For example:


Click your macro.

Click Edit.

Click the number tab you want to edit (using 1 in this example)

ON the right hand side, you will see:


Si[ply check the boxes you want the macro to click for you.