Using 'Zoo' build and macro

So far, I have stuck with the Dire Frenzy stats, in that I am enchanted/gemmed for Mastery across the board. But now that I am committing to the Zoo build solely, I will be switching out to crit gems and enchants.

HI loving ur macros but i’m having an issue with the st one.

Having this error : “There is an issue with sequence GweenBeastST. It has not been loaded to prevent the mod from failing.”

Dunno whats causing this the aoe one functions like a charm.

I didn’t have that problem when I imported it from the original post, but I did find a couple of configuration errors. Not in the macro itself, but somehow the default and raid versions didn’t have the correct numbers or ended up blank.

I fixed this.

I also added a solo tab for the GweenMulti macro that includes Revive pet for the pet heal and rez as needed.


I was having problems with the macros and removed all the NOCHANNELING references.

Dear Gween,

Thank you very much your willingness to share and guide. Greatly appreciate what you have done. You and your creation are simply the best!

Hello gween i use and i have used your macros in the past, even those of tater are always excellent. So far i am gear livel 922 equipped with legendary chest and waist that are the current ones. Very good macro very good overall dps.
Single macro I have some doubts yet, my dps stands around 1 million not fixed however, it even drops to 700k often, with a maximum of 1.4 million points. Is there anything to know about it? Use razer naga, but I manually press button for macro, set in lateral button 1. I need to set manual ms or? Thanks again for the macros

There are too many unknowns in order for me to speculate.

Do you notice abilities are not being cast quickly enough?
Do you have different DPS numbers with my base macro than the pure single target one?
Do you have different DPS numbers with a different macro?
And if so, can you see what that macros is doing better for you than this macro does?
Are you specced in the way that I am suggesting? For example, if you still have AMOC, this macro will not cast it.

Okay seeing your known armory that you’ve put in full criticism like stat.con legendary ring and neck because they give you so much critical criticism? Strangely though the current ones are chest and waist. I’m most likely having only 22% criticism about nbsp to do the dps single. I will try to set it up as well as you stat.

I have stated many times, that I use what legendaries are applicable to my gear and to a lesser degree the fights.

The neck I use because my best neck is 905, although it is a good neck for that iLvL. It simply gives me the most bang for my buck to use the legendary neck.

The ring is what I used last night mainly because its the best upgrade relative to my gear. I have a 930 ring that is mostly versatility. The 910 ring I am also wearing is better than the 930 ring. And since I wanted to see how more crit worked, I went with a max crit build.

Ok changing my gear with the legendary and all arriving to have gear 920 item livel equipped with stat
45% critical 18% haste 72% mastery.
At this point I should raise my dps as fierce beast should I continually clean free of charge?

hi there, I am new to this Macro thing, Could you please tell me what to do if I want to use the zoo build but want to stay with AMOC? J(that’s because I feel like AMOC is still a very good option for outdoor questing-- lots of time I can just petattack and AMOC then I can just turn and interact with quest objects. )

Another problem I noticed is during raid, when my pet died and heart of P is casted, after that the Macro keep trying to summon the pet after pet died again.

A third question, if I switch to Volley, my understanding is that I need to toggle it on/off manually, right? Do I keep it always on even during single target encounters?

Your Macro is great, thanks a lot and keep on your great work!

Yes. Make the following change on the line:

  "/cast [mod:ctrl] Multi-Shot; Dire Beast",

“/cast [mod:ctrl] Multi-Shot; A Murder of Crows”,


Hi Gween:

I love your macro…but what i do find is that i am very fluctuating in dps…i sometimes burst in excess of 2 mill but over a long period of fight I seem to be hovering just below the mill dps…

based on my gear and stats i should be doing steadily above 1.2 mill according to the sim with your specs…

I might be much more mastery havy than you…but in all fairness I expected this to actually increase the DPS rather than to affect it negatively.

I was doing Mythic TOES yesterday with your macro…and it seemed to be very promising butyou will notice that my runs seemed to dip or rise every single pull differently…

I do use AHK at 100ms too btw…

here is a log for you to see

should I be going further into Haste? and drop Mastery?

I will run tonight a Mythic Nghthold as well and post logs

I love the work you do …thanks upfront

Hi Again!

I saw your changes and thanks again for keeping us updated with your recommendations. For now I am sticking with the zoo build recommendations. Here’s logs from last night’s raid. Overall numbers aren’t that awesome for me and never have been, but check out the heroic Mistress Sassz’ine kill. OMG! I’ve never been that high in DPS, nor have I been able to perform as well compared to others of my iLvl. THANK YOU AGAIN!!

Zassinehas always been a hunters top dps boss…lots of movement with adds ontop …it is almost like it was made for us …however for some reason with this macro and with better gear than you I am not able to hit the same numbers …

I am usingahk at 100ms onthe 1 button to spam for me consistently

I must be speccing wrong somehow…or doing something wrong not sure what

Ok nothing to do, the dps is using zoo build it is called that singol build co ndire frienzi seem identical. Meaning significant significance. Like trinket no known difference. For ao the dps is good we hate in general, but for nothing low nothing We stay around the 700k 800 maximum. Gween analyzing your fight as well kil’jaeden hero you did 800k with 930 which is not very high indeed. Credo that for the current hunter bm patch is very banged on all.

I am responsible for soak mechanics. This means that my DPS isn’t always as high as it might otherwise be.

Do not get me wrong your macros are great, considering everything goes better than playing wow serenamente.qua is talking about having a top performing class at the top as much as possible, but I repeat at the moment i think the spec bm is bumpy bike, both Like tiers that like dps in general. They look at the rankings of world of logs in the tomb that legendary stargazers stand out as glu hunter mm.
My problem lies in not understanding how ever in singles ltarget there are classes that even make 1.5 million fixed dps while we bm stiam ospet the 800k average, there is a lot of gap

Never, ever expect your damage to match a SIM, or a training dummy for that matter. The primary usage for those things is to compare A to B. You sim THIS set of gear versus THAT set of gear and see which performs better in a vacuum.

Frankly, I never bother to sim, because I have always found the results unreliable. Fighting a raid boss is a real-time thing. You have to move, do mechanics, etc. You rarely get to just stand there, as in a Patchwerk style fight, and do your best DPS unimpeded.

Such things radically change the dymnamic of a fight and affects your DPS accordingly. This is why I use training dummies as a baseline and do my testing in LFRs (even this is not a solid guide for Heroic or Mythic performance).

BM is clearly not one of the top performing DPS classes currently.

However, I and my raid are quite satisfied that my damage is very competitive overall. While I am at a disadvantage, currently, as BM, I still compete at or near the top for DPS.

For any number of reasons, I do not care to chase the class or spec that is the FOTM ‘best’. I am a BM hunter, my alts are BM hunters, all I play are BM hunters. My sole interest is making the BM Hunter the best it can be, given the current paradigm of the spec.

I gladly share my findings and my opinions on that basis. You are welcome to disagree.
