Vengeance Bomb

Working for me, just did it today. Are you holding it until it casts while still spamming the macro?

I thought I was holding it long enough. My Naga is set to spam at 0.035 ms.

Just to be certain.

“/cast [mod:alt, @player,combat] Sigil of Silence”,

This is the line that isn’t firing for me.

Still working for me. I run the macro as is, no alterations. Do you have anything else tied to ALT?

I do not. Soul barrier fires fine.

Matthew, remember that ANYTHING tied to ALT will affect it. If I remember correctly, I had to unbind my ALT-1 binding and some others as well, and it worked.

If that was the case, wouldn’t it affect Soul Barrier, too?
Sigil of Silence does fire off if I untalent/remove Soul Barrier from the macro.

Then what’s happening is that once Soul Barrier fires and then is on CD, that section of the macro isn’t incrementing.

That’s poor scripting on my part.

The fix would be to change either Sigil of Silence to another mod key, or change Soul Barrier to another mod key.


I’ve noticed from my experience, I generate fragments for Spirit Bomb with Fracture to cap it at 5 faster than using Shear, or Soul Cleave since I let Spirit Bomb end on Frailty and heal me for the amount of damage I did with Fracture. I will make some changes to reflect this and test the macro tonight and see how it performs tank wise for total healing done.

[quote quote=57791]enixlhq,
I’ve noticed from my experience, I generate fragments for Spirit Bomb with Fracture to cap it at 5 faster than using Shear, or Soul Cleave since I let Spirit Bomb end on Frailty and heal me for the amount of damage I did with Fracture. I will make some changes to reflect this and test the macro tonight and see how it performs tank wise for total healing done.[/quote]

Funny you should mention that. I noticed this too, specifically since last Tuesday.


Here, try this and tell me if you’re less squishy.

Sequences['EX_Vengeance'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "122213?",
  Helplink = "",
  Help = [[Run at 30m.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Demonic Infusion",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Soul Barrier",
        "/cast [mod:alt, @player,combat] Sigil of Silence",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl, @player,combat] Sigil of Misery",
        "/cast [mod:SHIFT,@player,combat] Infernal Strike",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Throw Glaive, null",
        "/cast Soul Cleave",
        "/cast [combat] Immolation Aura",
        "/cast Spirit Bomb",
        "/cast Fracture",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Soul Carver",
        "/cast Spirit Bomb",
        "/cast [@player,combat] Sigil Of Flame",
        "/cast Shear",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Shear",
        "/cast Spirit Bomb",
        "/cast Fracture",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Shear",
        "/cast Demon Spikes",
        "/cast Fiery Brand",
        "/cast Spirit Bomb",

Playing around with a new macro. I was unhappy with Spirit Bomb performance so I made this. Tell me if this works better for anyone else.

Sequences['EX_Vengeance'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "122213?",
  Helplink = "",
  Help = [[Run at 30m.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Demonic Infusion",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Soul Barrier",
        "/cast [mod:alt, @player,combat] Sigil of Silence",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl, @player,combat] Sigil of Misery",
        "/cast [mod:SHIFT,@player,combat] Infernal Strike",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Throw Glaive, null",
        "/cast Soul Cleave",
        "/cast [combat] Immolation Aura",
        "/cast Spirit Bomb",
        "/cast Fracture",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Soul Carver",
        "/cast Spirit Bomb",
        "/cast [@player,combat] Sigil Of Flame",
        "/cast Shear",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Shear",
        "/cast Spirit Bomb",
        "/cast Fracture",
        "/cast Throw Glaive",
        "/cast Shear",
        "/cast Demon Spikes",
        "/cast Fiery Brand",
        "/cast Spirit Bomb",

Ok So after a little testing i swear by Bomb macros for Mythic + now But there Not so great for survival long tearm.

I took out fiery brand because its still a huge incoming Damage cooldown when you need it

The dps went up almost 300k like this

    "/cast [combat] Immolation Aura",
    "/cast Spirit Bomb",
    "/cast Fracture",
    "/cast Throw Glaive",
    "/cast Soul Carver",
    "/cast Spirit Bomb",
    "/cast [@player,combat] Sigil Of Flame",
    "/cast [@player] Infernal Strike",
    "/cast Shear",
    "/cast Throw Glaive",
    "/cast Shear",
    "/cast Spirit Bomb",
    "/cast Fracture",
    "/cast Throw Glaive",
    "/cast Shear",
    "/cast Demon Spikes",
    "/cast Spirit Bomb",

i added @infernal strike after the sigil of flame Because One or the other wont always be up and ready at the same time single target i hover around 1.1 mil dps as @971 ilvl

But im also using pryrdaz and grand army ring

[quote quote=57866]Ok So after a little testing i swear by Bomb macros for Mythic + now But there Not so great for survival long tearm.
I took out fiery brand because its still a huge incoming Damage cooldown when you need it
The dps went up almost 300k like this[/quote]

Does it have more survival this way, too?

No my raiding macro i use is very much different then this and it only does 600k dps but it has a 75% uptime on demon spikes and Does massive self heals

I’d rather see that macro. I’m way more interested in survival than dps.

My pvp macro is the one i use for raiding i just swap out fel devistation for blade turning or what ever that second skill is.

Ive tanked 2/11 mythic everybody has thier own way to play ( btw its the first one for pvp vs meele ) and i actually get the best results manually clicking it sometimes .

[quote quote=57916]
My pvp macro is the one i use for raiding i just swap out fel devistation for blade turning or what ever that second skill is.
Ive tanked 2/11 mythic everybody has thier own way to play ( btw its the first one for pvp vs meele ) and i actually get the best results manually clicking it sometimes .[/quote]

Wooooah, okay. Well, my hat’s off to you, your macro did amazingly.

Item level: 947
My macro: 40 stacks on the raider’s training dummy
Your macro (with some edits): 63 stacks!!!

Here is my modified version that got me those stacks. Note that I added a lot in favor of automation and of course I’d say strip out what you don’t want keybound.

If I’m mistaken that you didn’t want me to post your macro like this here please let me know and I’ll remove it, otherwise here it is…

Sequences['Violet-Veng_EX_Edit'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Author="Violetita@Quel'dorei and Exquarinah@Perenolde",
  Talents = "2,1,2,1,1,1,1",
  Help = [[Hold SHIFT for Sigil of Silence
Hold CTRL for Sigil of Misery
Hold ALT for your OH SNAP, SAVE MUHSELF Firey Brand and Metamorphosis combo]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Throw Glaive, null",
        "/cast [mod:shift, @player,combat] Sigil of Silence",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl, @player,combat] Sigil of Misery",
        "/castsequence [mod:alt] Fiery Brand, Metamorphosis",
        "/cast [combat, nochanneling] Immolation Aura",
        "/cast [combat, nochanneling] Soul Carver",
        "/cast [combat, nochanneling] Soul Cleave",
        "/cast [combat, nochanneling] Shear",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Sigil of Flame",
        "/cast [combat,nochanneling] Throw Glaive",
        "/cast [combat, nochanneling] Demon Spikes",
        "/cast [combat, @player] Infernal Strike",
        "/cast [combat, nochanneling] Empower Wards",

I think the biggest takeaway is the talent choice here. In this scenario it’s clearly superior to the meta for survivability.

I dont use mod alt’s i just click it all.

Im 974 and i tanked 120 stacks on the dummy I Put a book on my mouse walked away took a shower ate dinner came back and it was still going I stopped at 120 so i could go run a mythic +

also You get the best use out of it between 100ms and 125MS if you go any faster then that your doing your self a dis service

also i took out Fel devastation for Blade Turning

So my question about this new macro is Throw Glaive is a small taunt as it generates high Threat. So if you are not on the boss you may just Taunt it off the other tank. With it being in there twice there a really good chance that will happen. ITs great for M+ but used you other macro and kept pulling the boss off the other tank.

Feel free to remove it, but I’ve never had that happen. I have it in because it’s great at locking threat when the fight starts, when some mobs peel off, and keeping AoE damage up. But when in a two-tank situation I’ve never stolen threat before it was time without actually using a taunt.