Vengeance Macro for 7.2.5

Firstly I did not write this macro as unfortunately I’m not talented enough to be able to do that, I have taken one from here and just adjusted and adapted to get it to work the way I like, so thanks very much to the author of the original macro. Please check it out and let me know what you think and were it can be improved upon.
I have a low ilvl of 895 but was doing sustained dps of around 414.5K on the target dummies.
Also I have Spirit bomb macro’ed separately and use it on 5 fragments and metamorphosis on cool down.

Sequences['Vengeance_Tank'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.02.
  Talents = "3232133",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/use Fiery Brand",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use Soul Carver",
        "/cast [@target] Sigil Of Flame",
        "/cast [@player] Infernal Strike",
        "/use Empower Wards",
        "/castsequence Shear, Shear, Shear",
        "/use Demon Spikes",
        "/use Soul Cleave",
        "/use Soul Barrier",
        "/use Fracture",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/castsequence Shear, Shear, Shear",
        "/use Soul Cleave",
        "/use Fel Eruption",

You are missing a couple of closing brackets… }

i kinda tweeked the build i added spirit bomb and soul cleave on a mod key, so you can save up the shards for the spirit bomb, let me know what ya think

Sequences['Vengeance_Tank'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.02.
  Talents = "3232133",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/use [mod:shift] Spirit Bomb",
        "/use [mod:alt] Soul Cleave",
        "/use Fiery Brand",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use Soul Carver",
        "/cast [@target] Sigil Of Flame",
        "/cast [@player] Infernal Strike",
        "/use Empower Wards",
        "/cast Shear",
        "/use Demon Spikes",
        "/use Soul Barrier",
        "/use Fracture",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/cast Shear",
        "/use Fel Eruption",

Just one thing to note… the lines where you have repeated shear is mostly pointless.

Once the macro hits that line it’s still going to hit Shear and do nothing different.

/castsequence Shear, Shear, Shear
will be the same as:
/cast Shear

Makes my camera lock up for some reason. I’ll try to figure it out. Thanks

Thanks EmbraceChaos and Cymiryc for the input, I’ve tried the new macro and its working quite nicely. I’m saving the soul cleave until I have about 70 pain (unless i need the additional healing), just to ensure that everything fires off nicely in the macro. Should I stick to that or change it?

Sadly you may want to hold off fully embracing Vengeance if you are only swapping to it from 7.2.5 and it was not your main tanking spec previously.

Spirit Bomb and or Fracture may be seeing a nerf soon which may put the class back to a 7.2 state but with just the slight increase in damage it seen in other stats