Vengeance spammer

UPDATE - 2nd May 2017

removed original post to add the following amended Macros

Firstly: thanks and credits to Ripshawn for the bones of this macro and his talent choices and Beef for feedback for the 2nd more sensible macro :slight_smile:

Macro #1 is a multi purpose, fire and forget, uber lazy, watch the TV and tank style :slight_smile:

Sequences['RipshOnyX'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Author="credits to Ripshawn-modded by OnyX",
  Talents = "3221313",
  Help = [[Talents 3,2,2,1,3,1,3]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/cast [nochanneling] Shear",
        "/use Fiery Brand",
"/cast [@player] Sigil of Misery",
        "/use Soul Carver",
"/cast [nochanneling] Throw Glaive",
        "/cast [@player] Infernal Strike",
"/cast [@player] Sigil of Silence",
        "/use Fel Devastation",
        "/use Demon Spikes",
        "/castsequence Shear, Shear, Shear",
        "/use Soul Cleave",
        "/use Fiery Brand",
        "/cast [@player] Infernal Strike",
"/cast [@player] Sigil of Silence",
"/cast [nochanneling] Metamorphosis",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use Empower Wards",
        "/castsequence Shear, Shear, Shear",
        "/cast [@player] Sigil Of Flame",
        "/use Soul Barrier",
        "/use Fel Devastation",

Macro #2 is more sensible, has modifiers as follows: ALT = Throw Glaive CTRL = metamorphosis
there are 2 manual macros (courtesy of Beef) for the use of sigil of silence and sigil of misery, this allows you more control of the field of mobs

Sequences['RipshOnyX-control'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Author="credits to Ripshawn-modded by OnyX",
  Talents = "3221313",
  Help = [[Talents 3,2,2,1,3,1,3]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/cast [mod:alt] Throw Glaive",
"/cast [mod:ctrl] Metamorphosis",
"/cast [nochanneling] Shear",
        "/use Fiery Brand",
        "/use Soul Carver",
        "/cast [@player] Infernal Strike",
        "/use Fel Devastation",
        "/use Demon Spikes",
        "/castsequence Shear, Shear, Shear",
        "/use Soul Cleave",
        "/use Fiery Brand",
        "/cast [@player] Infernal Strike",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use Empower Wards",
        "/castsequence Shear, Shear, Shear",
        "/cast [@player] Sigil Of Flame",
        "/use Soul Barrier",
        "/use Fel Devastation",

Manual SIGIL macros - to be used where you wish to use them on cursor

/cast [@cursor] !Sigil of silence

/cast [@cursor] !Sigil of Misery

THe aim of this is simply a hybrid solid tank , easey to use macro, hopefully without too many issues

As always feedback, critique and suggestions are welcome from all

This is actually really really similar to something I was doing last night on my Vengeance Demon Hunter, except I got away from the gnome sequencer addon all-together and just used autohotkey and made the script to follow the sequence. It took quite a while of testing and re-arranging my action bar and different speeds for the keys to be pressed at but for the most part it seemed to follow what you have here. Im going to check yours out and see just how similar the outcomes are :slight_smile:

can’t wait to try it out!

how do i setup my razer synapse??

Thanks for the macro! =)

Just wondering if anyone has tested this out as 110ms seems a bit fast will be testing it out later today. Will let you know what i find out as a good speed for what i have.

all credit to talent choices and the bones of this macro go to Ripshawn Ripshawn Vengeance Macro

basically this new macro is an amlgamation of Ripshawns’ macro and mine from OP which together seem to work really well imo, I run this at 140ms ( have home ms of 29, so up it to 195ms if you home ms higher than 50)

Sequences['RipshOnyX'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Author="credits to Ripshawn-modded by OnyX",
  Talents = "3221313",
  Help = [[Talents 3,2,2,1,3,1,3]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
	"/cast [nochanneling] Shear",
        "/use Fiery Brand",
	"/cast [@player] Sigil of Misery",
        "/use Soul Carver",
	"/cast [nochanneling] Throw Glaive",
        "/cast [@player] Infernal Strike",
	"/cast [@player] Sigil of Silence",
        "/use Fel Devastation",
        "/use Demon Spikes",
        "/castsequence Shear, Shear, Shear",
        "/use Soul Cleave",
        "/use Fiery Brand",
        "/cast [@player] Infernal Strike",
	"/cast [@player] Sigil of Silence",
	"/cast [nochanneling] Metamorphosis",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use Empower Wards",
        "/castsequence Shear, Shear, Shear",
        "/cast [@player] Sigil Of Flame",
        "/use Soul Barrier",
        "/use Fel Devastation",

Hi O nyX,

This looks like an interesting build and will check it out once servers are back up later today and I have more time. Here are my initial 2 cents and the changes I would make before testing. Again, everyone has different playstyles and there is no ‘real’ right or wrong (well in most cases ??? )

Throw Glaive – I would put this on a modifier to have a little more control on pulling mobs

/cast [mod:alt] Throw Glaive

I would remove ‘Metamorphosis’ and key-bind separately. Have this pop just when that last trash mob dies is a waste. It’s 3 minute cool down, so not a bad wait time if needed, but it is one of those cool downs I prefer to have control over.

The last 2 changes would be to remove the /cast [@player] Sigil of Misery and also the same for Sigil of Silence. I would set these up as 2 separate macro’s or with a modifier key with [@cursor] instead of [@player]

/cast [@cursor] !Sigil of silence
 /cast [@cursor] !Sigil of Misery

This would allow for greater control of silencing that one caster the is just out of reach or Misery provides a nice 30 second CC when needed, so using the [@cursor] it give better control over the mobs. I use the ‘!’ as if not mistaken it will prevent the green target circle from appearing and just cast the sigil. (Anyone that can confirm this or if used for other purpose please let me/us know)

The Sigil of flame with [@player] is perfect and I love it along with the ‘Flame Crash’ talent makes the /cast [@player] Infernal Strike and /cast [@player] Sigil of Flame a very nice combo.

As for the timing of setting at 110ms or the 144ms referenced in Ripshaw’s macro (Vengeance GSE macro - Patch 7.0+ - WoW Lazy Macros ) seems a little fast
 I have been using Cymiryc’s '

    Cym’s Vengeance 7.1.5 Sequence (Updated) (Cym's Vengeance (Updated) - Patch 7.0+ - WoW Lazy Macros) which is running at around 1450ms which is 1.4 seconds, so moves through the rotation at a much slower rate
 but yet Cym’s macro is setup a little different but works great
 (thanks Cym!)

    But I am always looking to improve and want to learn, so looking to give anything a shot :-p

    I guess what content build are you shooting for? Survivability, DPS or a hybrid mix of both? Do you have any logs that would show the up-time of spikes and Soul Barrier? (I will test later and check, but would be cool to see some logs from a mythic run)

    Again the changes are my ‘preference’ based on my playstyle and I have not been playing the game much so I am playing catch up. My current gear score is only 858, so I have some work to do
 so if others have other suggestions I am willing to listen



@ Beef

a lot of what you said makes sense and I have updated my Original Post with the 1 button lazy ass all in 1 version macro and with 2nd macro with modifiers for throw glaive & metamorphosis

Credits to you and Ripshawn for helping tighten this up

as for what are my aims with this? simply to have a solid veng hybrid, I tank mythic with it (but only have 875 ilvl atm) and mostly use it for world quests, old raids, just a general jack of all trades char tbh

in quite a few dungeons I have been told I am a breeze to heal so imo that proves it works for me :slight_smile:

it is a spammer script which is why the 110ms, it flits through things quickly and always hits stuff the momoent it is off cd, cymrics version is a more deliberate paced 1
3 script which works fantastic tbh, mine is more of a “don’t have to think just press a key” style if I am gonna be lazy then I am gonna be laaaaaazy :smiley: