Viktri's (not really) One Button Macro - Dragonflight 10.2 Guardian Druid - v5 Tested and verified for 10.2

At this point I don’t think I’ve had a day in the past week and a half when I didn’t spend 2+ hours trying to optimise the macro, and I also have a bunch of new features coming as well. In other words I am trying to get the new version out as fast as possible, but for now you have to be patient.


thank you for all of your hard work dude! looking fwd to it

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Thanks for your input, gonna check it tonight!

Oh np. In retrospect I’d add moonfire back in for the single target rotation. It does far more damage than swipe filler. I initially wanted to get to 5 stacks of thrash asap but it doesn’t seem to be a problem. I’ll change that later.

The second build is also definitely not needed. I’m hitting 41k hps in a +18 without even using the regrowth talents or my splinter trinket. Ursoc’s Fury is insane healing without any over heals.

I might make an Incarn CD macro as well. Spam Thrash and Raze. Pretty simple.

These are at 442 ilvl.


Are you running the standard or if build with this?

Os loved the veng macro in shadowlands you’re the reason I got my first ksm

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Standard build. The IF is way to much defensivness and doesn’t have enough initial burst to keep threat with some dps that are bursting 500k.

You can swap brambles and heart of the wild for the regrowth talents (dream of cenerius and Protector of the pack) if you want extra healing and party utility.

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Looking forward to your new macro the old one has been a blessing since coming back to wow hope you figure out the cast sequence thing that you have been working on in the meanwhile, I’ve been trying out the one Hermit posted here while waiting for the new macro thank for posting these awesome macros much appreciated

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Im dreaming about this macro update

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Me too, but for me it’s nightmares xD I found that no matter what I do, when I include more than one cast sequence block in the main body of the macro at all, the macro is only able to alternate between Thrash and Mangle. I can have different cast sequences, same ones, whatever, it only alternates. Nothing seems to fix it, even single spell cast sequences, or even including regular no sequence blocks, it still alternates… But it seems like I am getting some good results from using a single cast sequence in a repeat block, with regular blocks to make up the body. We’ll see, I am in the DPS comparison part of the testing.

cant wait to check it out :slight_smile:

Yes sir, this has been my problem as well. Single cast blocks are fine, but not sequences.

Good news guys, the main body of the macro is done. It does use castsequences, I turned their disadvantages into advantages. The macro is now extremely reliable in executing abilities regularly. It can no longer get stuck on casting many Swipes if the spam speed and macro align. It can no longer miss Thrash or Mangle for many cooldowns. Now it always executes Mangle and Thrash within one GCD, meaning at worst you wait one Swipe before executing Thrash or Mangle (there is a rare case when everything aligns in an unlucky way and you get two Swipes but that’s extremely rare). The only downside is the macro now rarely misses a GCD that could have been used by a Swipe, if you are unlucky with Maul/Raze procs and you run out of Swipes, but it is very rare.

I tested the macro with 10, 20, 30, 34, 50, 100, 200 ms and 200 is the upper limit, it already shows signs of getting worse. Recommended 100 ms, did most testing on that. Haste values tested were 12%, 24% and 35%, all works pretty much the same. But here is a work in progress macro for you, it’s only the main body redesigned, if you guys want to test it and send feedback :slight_smile:

WORK IN PROGRESS - only the rotation - NO MOONFIRE - no new features - only use for testing purposes if you want to give me feedback, not intended to be used in real combat yet

Now I gotta add all the new features that are already tested and proven to work, format it all properly, and it’s a go time!


Thank you so much for this. I appreciate your work. I will test it out later in the evening.

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this rotation works like a charm ! I love it !!

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I just want to thank you for the work you are putting into this. Do you have a Patreon or a donation button somewhere?

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what talents with this macro vik any ones ?

I don’t, I never even considered that.

Yeah pretty much every talent build as long as it has Tooth and Claw.

thank u very much m8 xx

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Fair enough. Then here is another HUGE thank you. You have changed the game for me. Thank you!

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