Talents: CLASSIC
This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.35.
Hello fellow warlocks, I want to share with you a GSE3 macro that I use for leveling in classic wow. This macro is based on the one created by Bing, but I added some tweaks and optimizations. Here is how it works:
- The macro uses the Sequential step function, which means it will execute each line of the macro in order, and then loop back to the first line.
- The KeyPress section is executed before the main rotation. It does three things: it targets the nearest enemy that is alive and hostile, it commands your pet to attack your target, and it casts Curse of Agony and Corruption on your target if they exist and are not already affected by them. These two dots will deal damage over time and help you kill enemies faster.
- The PreMacro section is empty, but you can use it to cast spells or abilities that you want to trigger before your main rotation. For example, you can use it to cast Demon Armor or Dark Pact.
- The main rotation consists of three lines: the first one casts Immolate on your target if they are alive and hostile, and you are not channeling another spell. Immolate is another dot that also deals direct damage when applied. The second line casts Life Tap if you are in combat and not channeling another spell. Life Tap converts some of your health into mana, which helps you sustain your casting. The third line casts Drain Soul if you hold the shift key and your target is alive and hostile, and you are not channeling another spell. Drain Soul is a channeled spell that deals damage and generates Soul Shards when it kills an enemy. Soul Shards are used to summon your pets or create Healthstones.
- The PostMacro section is empty, but you can use it to cast spells or abilities that you want to trigger after your main rotation. For example, you can use it to cast Shadow Ward or Fear.
- The KeyRelease section is executed after the main rotation. It does two things: it casts Healthstone if you are in combat, which heals you for a portion of your health. It also casts Health Funnel on your pet if you are in combat, which transfers some of your health to your pet, healing them.
This macro is designed to be simple and efficient for leveling as a warlock. It automates most of your spells and abilities, while still giving you some control over when to use Drain Soul or other situational spells. You can modify it to suit your preferences or needs, but I hope you find it useful as it is.
Let me know what you think of this macro, or if you have any questions or suggestions. Happy leveling!