Watson's All-in-One Multipurpose BM sequence 11.0

This is the first sequence I’ve bothered to publish. IT may not be to everyone’s taste, but it works for me.



  1. It will handle AOE Beast Cleave (shift-modifier) and keep up Frenzy and Thrill of the Hunt (ctrl-modifier). Kill Command (alt-key) is handled manually as I prefer to fire it off as soon as it’s up rather than let the sequence trigger it.
  2. It will call pets in slot one or two, depending on whether you’re in an instance or not. I usually set slot one to Tank pet and slot 2 to DPS pet.
  3. Most importantly (for me) it will not attack unless you have a target selected when you’re in an instance. Too many times I’ve accidentally pulled with macros, much to the chagrin of instance-mates. Hopefully fewer “huntard” moments. (Make sure you have “Action Targeting” disabled in the settings or targetting will still happen).
  4. Lastly, it will raise/mend your pet when needed (after a slight delay). Mend pet should not fire off in instances (as healer AOE and tank agro should be enough to keep your pet going without extra help).

Feel free to modify it. It’s not terribly complicated.

And enjoy

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I know that this probably isn’t the place to ask but how do you export in the new gse?

you can only export with the Patrion build. if you have the you can right click a sequence and choose export

Thank you. found it… next silly questions how do you turn off attack and recall pets when you turn the macro off? Also how do I make mod:alt,shift, and ctrl fire faster ? Below is snippet i’m testing

/cast [mod:shift,@cursor,combat] Tar Trap
/cast [mod:ctrl/alt,@cursor] Freezing Trap

This marco does target nearest target automatically, sadly :frowning:

Well what I’m kind of looking for is for when i stop the macro, that it stops auto attack, and to recall the pets. Until I start the macro back up.

I’m also hoping that I don’t have to place the mod keys code into every block to make it more responsive…Kind of hoping that I missed something that’s making the delay so long…

Right-click on the sequence.

I don’t think you can. I’ve set up a separate macro for that and just fire it off at the end of combat:

/petpassive [pet]
/petdefensive [pet]

It’s the only way I found to do this, unfortunately … to make it responsive at least. Normally I would put my modifier keys in the “keypress”, but that’s no longer available, so you need to put it in each block. :frowning:

Hmm … I haven’t had that problem. I believe there’s a setting in the game’s combat option that you may need to set (or unset). I can’t remember what it was though. When you find it, let me know so I can update the OP.

Edit: From memory, you may need to turn off “Action Targeting” in the settings. That assumes anything you have in your frontal arc as targetable by default.

I don’t have the Patreon build (downloaded through curseforge) and I was able to export.

mine was off so I turned it on and it didn’t help… anything I’m facing gets targeted and attacked