What am I not understanding about GSE?

I’ve tried to use GSE for a long time. Since version 3 I’ve lost all understanding of how it functions. I keep trying GSE and keep reverting to normal WoW macros that just work.

My WoW macro is /castsequence reset=9 Holy Shield, Hammer of the Righteous, Judgement of Wisdom, Shield of Righteousness,Consecration

And the macro will not progress to the next skill until it has cast. It won’t jump skills.

Now with GSE I have:
Step 1
/cast Holy Shield(Rank 6)

Step 2
/cast Hammer of the Righteous

Step 3
/cast Judgement of Wisdom

Step 4
/cast Shield of Righteousness(Rank 2)

Step 5
/cast Consecration(Rank 8)

But the sequence jumps over blocks which are not ready to cast. And that stuffs up my macro using GSE.

What do I need to do to make it follow the sequence and not jump skills?

Thanks all.

Put it inside a sequential loop so it will follow order, if you want priority change it into priority mode.

Can’t write the macro for you rn bc i have not wow installed on this computer, but it would look like:


As I can see, pala tank, you shoulda go into priority mode and the order of the skills put the ones with higher cds on first positions so it will be fired once theyre off cd, and the ones on lower cds will act as fillers.

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This is both GSE’s greatest strength and greatest weakness. It means you can add things like HotR which is only available with Avenging Wrath is up or the target has less than 20% health and it wont get stuck but by sitting with a target dummy you need to reorganise your macro with some out of the box thinking to deal with the fact that GSE will skip irrespective of success or failure. It will just press and move on. (This is because WoW’s antibotting code prevents it from calling the stuff blizzard uses in castsequence.) People use this to their advantage by spamming the macro at a rate faster than the GCD rather than waiting for the previous spell to finish.

Your castsequence may “just work” for you. If so great there is no need to change. If you want something that does a fair bit more per action like targeting the next enemy and using Avenging Wrath plus your trinkets at the same time as you use an ability that is in your castsequence then a normal WoW macro is not going to do that.

@TimothyLuke I continue to try and use GSE because whilst it is seemingly outside my aging faculties understanding, it is a brain exercise to try and use GSE and get it working.

I just have yet to have that ‘ah ha!’ moment where it clicks in my head.

Thanks for your response and continued work on GSE Sir.

nTx, “go into priority mode and the order of the skills put the ones with higher cds on first positions so it will be fired once theyre off cd, and the ones on lower cds will act as fillers.” This is valuable feedback.

Thanks you.

Just tell me vía mp what kind of macro do you need and ill be glad to help.