What exactly does the "Update Talents" button do?

Does clicking the button update the your current talents to the ones listed in the Talents code, or vice versa?

“Update the stored talents to match the current chosen talents.”

Sorry, but this just doesn’t make sense to me. The stored talents in GSE or the stored talents that come up when you hit the “N” key? I have been copy/pasting the GSE talents import every time I level. Just wonder if I would save time by clicking on the Update Talents button.

In your GSE template there is a box to store the talents that relate to this template. In Dragonflight and In Wrath Classic (if you have the Talented) mod you can copy this string and import the talents.

The update talents button updates the talent string that is stored in this template.

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2 questions:

  1. How/where do I get the ‘Talented mod’ you reference? I checked Cursed and not finding it.

  2. Is there a way to translate the string in the Talent field to a readable format so we can review the talent settings?
