What is your timing

How sensitive do you find macro timing to be. My question is when finding the right timing for a macro, is it possible to adjust the timing .005 and see a huge jump in performance. For instance you start at 2.5 the drop to 2.4, or on the quicker side from .07 to .06. Is it possible to have missed the correct timing by .005 which would have made an otherwise unplayable macro or sub performing one into a macro capable of performing in the 90% or sim.

I don’t know if I understand the question correctly, I often try the macros here on the site and they all get set as they say to 100 150 200 ms etc. they are super slow and run poorly, then after that you try putting them at 50 ms and they run super fast , and as a result they seem to run better. it’s a strange thing honestly the faster they run the better they seem to run. then there are a lot of macros that are written with a lot of useless stuff , often defense cd or trinket or power cd are put in macro, or stun interrupt etc are put in that for the purpose of the macro are extra and ruin everything. those spell cd etc have to be used out of macro to make them run well. i play hunter bm and all the macros written here don oerrate for simple reasons they put in macro stun pet revive pet etc that serve no purpose and ruin the macro fluidity . as well as useless modifiers the macros have to be separated singil and aoe to run well.

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