Why doesnt GS-E show my macro when i hit /gs

I have had a few people ask this so creating this post instead of answering them invidually.

If you have a macro written for Classic GnomeSequencer it will work in GS-E BUT you have to do everything manually like you did in the past in GnomeSequencer All the E parts that make GS-E smooth and easy to use depend on a few extra lines:

Take This sequence: (Apologies to Tom who write this I just grabbed it randomly from the forum here somewhere)

Sequences[“WarProt”] = {
PreMacro = [[
“/cast Heroic Throw”,
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/cast [combat] Blood Fury

You can put that into GS-E but when you do a /gs it wont show up. To use this you have to go into your macros and make the macro manually etc. It will work as GS-E will process it but the E parts of GS-E dont have a clue what to do with it.

to fix this you need to add these three lines

Sequences[“WarProt”] = {
specID= 71,  
helpTxt = “This is a random test macro use this to test GS-E”,
PreMacro = [[
“/cast Heroic Throw”,
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/cast [combat] Blood Fury

This will make this an arms macro. You could change the specID to specID=1 and it would then be arms, fury, protection.

But these three lines are the difference

specID= 71,  
helpTxt = “This is a random test macro use this to test GS-E”,

As a side note They wont break classic GnomeSequencer it will ignore them.

The problem I am having is not because it’s an old code from GS or anything like that, it’s the fact that after I select a base macro with /gsse then modify it and tune it how I like it and it works properly with LiveTest, I copy the code exactly how it is in the LiveTest window, paste it in the appropriate .lua file under GS-myMacros and save it. After reloading the UI and typing in /gs, the macro I just saved does not come up. Even after exiting the game entirely and relogging in it still does not come up. I have watched all the videos and read all the guides I can find, but can’t find out what I am missing… I am using notepad++ for my .lua editor, i am running the latest 1.0.6 version of GS-E, and this is the code I am trying to use on my Survival hunter:

Sequences[‘SVTest’] = {
helpTxt = ‘Talents: 3222210’,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target]]],
“/cast Mongoose Bite”,
“/cast Lacerate”,
“/cast Flanking Strike”,
“/cast [combat] Butchery”,
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

I don’t see the problem…

i just put this through a tester for a code block. It complained about the ‘ and “ 's

Sequences['SVTest'] = {
helpTxt = 'Talents: 3222210',
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target]
"/cast Mongoose Bite",
"/cast Lacerate",
"/cast Flanking Strike",
"/cast [combat] Butchery",
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

I will have a look when i get home. It looks like it “Should Work” ™

I just tried it out this morning and /gs will not bring it up still…
What trips me out is that it works perfectly fine while editing it in game, but won’t work after saving it… weird.

one thing i found is make sure all your macros are named differently

i made one called holys then another called holys1 holys1 would not show up until i renamed it holyz
not sure if gse recognizes numbers also _ i think are not recognized i may be completely wrong but it worked for me
just a thought buddy

That is a good thing to point out as I have made that mistake several times in the past with the old GS.
I named the one TimothyLuke posted SVTestTwo, so I have ruled that out.

This really stumped me but I found it. I dont know why but the problem was the icon line. I took that out and it loaded.

I’ve logged this here Unable to load sequence with icon=461113, · Issue #21 · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler · GitHub and will make cure that if it doesnt like the icon for some reason it will default to the spec icon.

I copied the code from the pic you linked as well as the code from where you logged it. It still refuses to come up for me… either one.
Maybe the issue lies with GS-E myMacros Addin Pack. I’ll put the directory below…

C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\GS-myMacros\Macros\Hunter.lua

This is where the GS-E myMacros Addin Pack put it, so if this is correct, then there is some other issue.

I had another idea since the macros from Draik’s Bundled Macros work, I put the macro I made in the hunter.lua file that is located in the GS-DraikMacros folder, but after doing so, nothing at all came up when i typed in /gs so I think that breaks the addon somehow.

This is the text from the screenshot

Sequences['SVTest'] = {
helpTxt = 'Talents: 3222210',
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target]
"/cast Mongoose Bite",
"/cast Lacerate",
"/cast Flanking Strike",
"/cast [combat] Butchery",
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

The only difference was I took this line out: icon=461113, and then it behaved for me.

I had another idea since the macros from Draik’s Bundled Macros work, I put the macro I made in the hunter.lua file that is located in the GS-DraikMacros folder, but after doing so, nothing at all came up when i typed in /gs so I think that breaks the addon somehow.

If this is happening then there is a syntax error like you are missing the closing } What I mean by that is that if you put it in Draiks and its breaking Draiks there is something wrong with what you are copying in.

Hmm… I guess I must have made a typo or missed a space or something cause after copying it straight from your last post made it work! :smiley:
Now to make a new one for my warrior. :stuck_out_tongue:
Thank you very much for all your help!