Wils0's Frost Mage Sequence for M+ v1.1 12/02/24

I have made some modifications to TheMacroWizards Frost Mage Sequences, at this stage it’s now safe to say its been completely rebuilt.
As I get time (Mage is my alt) I will keep updating this so it stays relevant
Yet to do:
Add Modifiers
Raid Cleave
Raid ST

AoE v1.1


ST v1.1


Macro used in AoE (name this macro STORM)




I’d say 100ms is a good start



Rebuilt both ST and AoE sequences to not rely upon calling macros
Can now achieve up to 4m burst with Icy Veins (no lust) on the training dummies at 596 ilvl
DPS drops to 1.6m over 2 minutes
However if Icy Veins is on CD it takes some time to ramp up
Can now achieve up to 1m burst with Icy Veins (no lust) on kelpfist at 596 ilvl
Sustains after burst at around 450k

After Sims will post results

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Nice to hear, I will try this modified version for sure :smiley:

Yo! Wasn’t sure if you were still active or not <3 I’ve opted for ele sham atm but if I get time in the coming weeks im going to play with this, years ago I made a stupid good one that was out-pacing some of OCE’s finest (this was years ago lol). Much harder now to get timings right with all the procs going on.

Yeh ive been trying to get a Fire one to work but its impossible it seems.

Spell Que is a mofo to get around lol

Are you still activly using this? Im searching for a good Mage Sequence and couldn’t find one that works well in Raid or M+. It seems like a lot of creators give it one shot and never return to mage :smiley:

Currently not playing mage, I can take a look at it over the weekend for you
This I will say, frost mage sequences need a lot of modifiers to get the most out of

try this one


works extremly fine for me in M+ so far

!00% TMW’s sequence is more updated

I sure appreciate these macros my friend!!! I do wanna share I went “FROSTFIRE” using your macro and it pumps out more dps then with SPELLSLINGER.

Here is what I did:

I tried it with Thermal Conditioning but when I tried Severe Temperatures it did better. Just letting you know. Thanks again!!!

Kind Regards,


Thanks I will try this macro and let you know, on dummies seems very good

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