Windwalker Monk Patch 8.0.1 (21/ 10/ '18)

I am Ðarkramz, a raider in a raiding guild called Ignite-Silvermoon (A Dutch Speaking guild)

For this these sequences I used my Monk: Grasip to test it out.
I used the Windwalker Monk guide on Icy-veins and information from Peak of Serenity to create this sequence.

If you still want to track your buffs and cooldown with Weakauras I’d suggest you to create or find Weakauras according to your taste.

In case you will use this macro’s and/ or GnomeSequencer let me know your opinion, and together we can try to tweak this even more.

Single Target


Usage Information

Cooldowns for manual use

-Use trinkets & Potion during [Storm, Earth, and Fire] or [Serenity].
-Use [Storm, Earth, and Fire] as close to on cooldown while lining up with other abilities and damage bonuses.
-Use [Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger], Preferably use it on AoE.
-Use [Touch of Karma] as frequently as you can. Get as much damage absorbed as possible.
If u are using [Energizing Elixir] it is ideally used on cooldown when at 0-1 Chi with Tiger Palm after.

Keep in mind for AoE

-Use and Keep [Rushing Jade Wind] up ONLY when there are 2 or more targets.
-[Storm, Earth, and Fire] is useful to easily tag targets for increased [Spinning Crane Kick] damage. Try to keep one charge recharging at all times.


Tier 1 (Level 15)
-[Chi Burst] if there will ever be more than 1 target, [Chi Wave] if strictly single target.

Tier 3 (level 45)
-[Energizing Elixir] for dungeons, [Fist of the White Tiger] for everything else.

Tier 6 (level 90)
-[Rushing Jade Wind] for multi-target, [Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger] for single target or burst up to 3 targets

Tier 7 (level 100)
-[Whirling Dragon Punch] for all situations, [Serenity] can be used in single target (not suggested for GSE macro use, it’s too complex to get viable damage out of it), but [Whirling Dragon Punch] provides more functional flexibility.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.02.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Whirling Dragon Punch, Touch of Death, Fist of the White Tiger

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence: Rising Sun Kick, Touch of Death, Whirling Dragon Punch, Spinning Crane Kick, Blackout Kick, Tiger Palm, Fist of the White Tiger, Chi Burst, Fists of Fury

KeyRelease: Fists of Fury

Post Macro: Whirling Dragon Punch

Other Macros
Mouseover Detox

#showtooltip Detox
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Detox;Detox

Tier 6 (level 90) on 1 button

/cast [nochanneling,talent:6/2] Rushing Jade Wind; [talent:6/3] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger

And if u are using Tiger’s Lust
Mouseover Tiger’s Lust

#showtooltip Tiger's Lust
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Tiger's Lust;Tiger's Lust

For Questions add me on BattleTag™: Darkramz#2160

Cheers and Goodluck,


I use AHK with Sleep 4

21-10-'18 Updated WwSingle due to feedback from FinalGrifter


Talents depend on the situation, there is a section where I explained when you need to choose wich talent.
Cannot be more clear.

2/3 is either talent 2 or 3 in that row, and depending on the situation as explained in the section “Talents”

Looks like a good macro. Am gonna test it and compare it to my dps when i play myself on the boss doll in Zulduzar.

i’ll run it on a higher difficulty and let you know how it performs.

for starters, i removed tod from sequence + pre-macro and placed it on modifier so that it’s not blowing on trash.

[quote quote=66750]i’ll run it on a higher difficulty and let you know how it performs.
for starters, i removed tod from sequence + pre-macro and placed it on modifier so that it’s not blowing on trash.[/quote]

Yeah you’re right, ToD and Fist of the White Tiger are better used manual. But I figured people who understand it would remove it, cause removing is easier then adding it in.

Or u can ofc add in a /cast [nochanneling][mod:your mod key] Blackout kick and /cast [nochanneling][mod:your mod key] Fist of the White Tiger for the mod users.

LeTrapzArtz and Abby, I am curious for the results!

Also handy to know if u want to get maximized DMG on the AoE rotation
Remove the Castsequence line of Tiger Palm and Blackout kicks and Use Blackout Kick on proc and when on 4 Chi and bout to get 50 energy while the other abilities are on cooldown.

after 5 Minutes with macro (ST on Boss Doll in Zulduzar) only buff is flask

same 5 minutes with selfplay (ST on Boss Doll in Zulduzar) only buff is flask
I didnt do that much more damage. But while using macro i bursted with my own macro so there was a liitle bit of self play involved because i have a really common Trinket and i used it with an external macro.
But still this is a really good macro it just did a little less damage than full self play.
i wont test Aoe because it seemed good when i tested it out.

Will do that one tommorow. today i just tested full macro.
Again really good macro and thanks. :smiley:

That’s great to hear, thank you for testing it.

I find that it keeps clipping fist of fury. 3 out of 4 cast will cancel out. Any idea why?

/castsequence [mod:alt, nochanneling] Storm, Earth, and Fire
/cast [mod:shift, nochanneling] Storm, Earth, and Fire
/cast [mod:lctrl, nochanneling] Touch of Karma

No idea why, nothing can cancel out Fists of Fury within the macro, cause:

  • [nochanneling] and Fists of Fury is a channeled ability
  • macro line; /stopmacro [channeling:Fists of Fury], This macro prevents you from cancelling the channel of Fists of Fury.

if u are using any other spells manually make this macro for each spell:

/stopmacro [channeling:Fists of Fury]
/stopcasting [channeling:Crackling Jade Lightning]
Line below can be replaced with any other spell
/cast [nochanneling,talent:1/1] Eye of the Tiger; [nochanneling,talent:1/2] Chi Wave; [nochanneling,talent:1/3] Chi Burst
/cast [nochanneling] Blackout Kick

Hope it will help u out Tankerbell.

Zjmcoom, gave a great example of how the mod-keys can be used within the macro if u don’t want them on a seperate button.

Im usinf AHK, what speed do you recommend i try … currently using sleep 60, but not sure if its going to make much difference until im 120, currently 110

Seems a bit high, i am not sure. IMO change it to around 20 or 30 and see what changes on target dummy.

I am running sleep 4

Any one got logs for this and what ms running at as I have a Razer mouse and wanna help test

[quote quote=66756] after 5 Minutes with macro (ST on Boss Doll in Zulduzar) only buff is flask same 5 minutes with selfplay (ST on Boss Doll in Zulduzar) only buff is flask I didnt do that much more damage. But while using macro i bursted with my own macro so there was a liitle bit of self play involved because i have a really common Trinket and i used it with an external macro. But still this is a really good macro it just did a little less damage than full self play. i wont test Aoe because it seemed good when i tested it out.[/quote] is it possible to put your burst Marco and ahk in so I can compare to mine

Awesome job mate! Ive test ur macro (Raider’s Training) for more than 20 minutes comparing results. Doing rounds of 2 minutes (ToD CD). I didnt use SFE and Xuen, just macro.
Using ur macro, i reach max 13k dps.
Playing myself i reach minimum 15k.

Looking carefull the use of skills, i realize that sometimes, when Fist of Fury/Rising Sun Kick is available but no chi to use it, the macro didnt use JAB to fill up. its just stand there using autos instead of JAB+Skill.

Last result using macro:


Even so, ur macro is the best one i found it so far. Really good job!

About Touch of Death. I know its a lazy macro but ToD is VERY situational and shouldnt be on macro.
If ure doing a raid boss for example, u need save it for use in specifics moments to burst and u cant waste on adds with no need.

There is a way to remove it from macro without affect the rest of it?

Thanks and good luck!

Thank you for the feedback, Bernardo Póvoa!

Yeah cooldowns u can just remove from the macro, I made a “lazy” version of it wich includes that kind of stuff. Like u said using ToD manually is better especially when u know priority targets need to get killed asap. I’ll look into the code, for the Tiger Palm that didn’t cast like u said. But by just putting /cast [nochanneling] Tiger Palm as last line it will fuck up with overcapping your Chi sometimes.

I’d suggest you dink around with the line that contains /castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, etc etc.
I’m doing the same while testing new versions just to find those little improvements.
