WindWalker Single Target and AOE Mcro Testing

Get these 2 addons (just dont leave them on after testing, they can use 100% cpu). It makes it visual on dummies and then you can take screenshots and compare adjustments.

Latest Dragon Flight AoE Rotation Recommendations

One thing that works great for me is using Tiger Palm and Blackout Kick with /targetenemy [mod:shift] 1;0 and then you get 5 marks of the crane and then you do Spinning Crane Kick and you easily are doing 400-600K damage for a while, especially under serenity.

Balkanheart where is the link for your macros?

@The_Number_2 I just played on Heroic with a Monk lower level than me and who didnt follow the WowHead Guides and he did double to triple the DPS that I did in trying to cast Jade and following the guides… He was #2 in Raid DMG Meter with all 480 levels surrounding him.

He just hammered RSK and Blackout Kick… no Fists none of that crap… maybe the Guides are all full of baloney. He puts Paladins to shame in a group :slight_smile:

He was consistent on all Bosses. Then today I also played with a 442 level who dominated too… whats going on.

Todays enounter a low level dominating easily trailing me.

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Here is what I have been playing with lately.

1 of these tabs uses another cooldown macro.


Usage Information

All do the same thing a bit differently
#1 build off previous iterations.
#2 trying to add more RSK and FoF
#3 add call cooldown macro to 7

This macro contains 3 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.54.

  • The Default macro template is 3



This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.54.

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Side note if you are that high of an ilevel you should be doing more damage :slight_smile:

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I feel like this guy:

I think the Macros worked better when I had more Haste for Regen of Energy, I think I run below 50 energy too fast and then even Tiger Palm gets hung.

PS thats cool didnt know you could use /click AnotherMacroName

Keep improving it and ill test it for you im at 480 level now.

Maybe we need a seperate Serenity Macro and if you invoke Serenity and Xuen you are even faster since Xuen boosts your Haste. My RSK goes from 8.8 sec to 6.8 sec cool down. When I use a certain trinked it can go up to 9.6 seconds.

Another perhaps good addon to see the casting as we adjust macros for max DPS: mikscrollingbattletext

Funny you ask about a serenity specific macro.
I was working on 1 this morning to split them up. Should have something this weekend.

I ran a version of the macro I posted through 2 normal bosses and it parsed purple. Small sample size

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Btw I ran your Macro #3 it kicked ass. Note the fof and rsk or double casts dont work, however they do help show the Icon and tooltip (nice hack).

I may have had my best M+ Damage Run and Tindral on Heroic in DPS with it. I threw in Spinning Crane Kick in the Cooldowns for M+ and remove it for Raid.

Again there was a lower level Monk who did like double the Blackout Kick casts and did more DPS… See if you can also have a version where Blackout Kick, Rising Sun Kick cast more than Jadefire or FoF.

Also in my case I turned off Trinket casting and got a bit more Haste and the Macro doesnt lock out anymore because I had a Trinket that reduces your Haste (energy regen by 50% or so). So if you have the Best in Slot Trinket (the red flame) it may be hurting your Macro, dont cast it.

PS: Ill use it during a full Heroic run today and ill get you some stats in a day or two.

Lower Gear Monk More DPS versus Me (RAID)

Seems to be alot more Blackout Kick and RSK which do the magic

Other Player


@The_Number_2 thoughts?

Note we did better on energy cap and other things, way better. Everything was much better just not the DPS. Its almost like you get punished for following the Guides, vs folks just spamming Blackout and Spinning Crane. We had less downtime too. Perhaps the DPS is reported only on uptime so technically maybe we did more DPS but its calculations are off? We did utilize Blackout Kick 100% im confused while they used it 86% :smiley: lol

Maybe its the Dance of Chi-Ji - Spinning Crane Kicks can also be interrupted, you dont need to wait for them to complete, they will still give you full damage… Maybe I need to follow it with a /cast Something instead of /cast [nochanneling] Something

Note we did better on energy cap and other things, way better. Everything was much better just not the DPS. Its almost like you get punished for following the Guides, vs folks just spamming Blackout and Spinning Crane. We had less downtime too. Perhaps the DPS is reported only on uptime so technically maybe we did more DPS but its calculations are off? We did utilize Blackout Kick 100% im confused while they used it 86%. Our Serenity and Xuen Uptime is Higher too its 100% they had 80ish% Nothing makes sense :smiley:

Maybe its just outdated suggestions - Perhaps in this patch RSK, Blackout and Spinning Crane are the big boys in town

Do a side-to-side comparison between Monk and Myself and review each tab, see if it makes sense to you. Open both Tabs in Browser and place side by side. Also Switch to the Old Checklist too

PS: You should be proud of yourself, your doing a good job… with Trinket and Spinning Crane Kick I can reach up to 980k Realtime DPS for 2-3 seconds in AoE Dummies with using Tab and marking them for Crane Buff. This is as long as I use Spinning Crane after it has 4-5 stacks (Each Spin basically equals to 5 spins). I can also maintain about 300K DPS compared to 190 with Legions Macro and the ONEPUNCH Macro usually capped at 270K.


I just run at 250ms as recommended by @TimothyLuke we need to ask him if he has seen anyone ever make a Macro with Sub-Macros using /click MacroName because that could unlock good opportunities to improve Macros.

PS Tim, The_Number_2 used something like this:

/castsequence .....
/cast Something Else

It doesnt trigger the 2nd cast, which I think is expected HOWEVER it helps show the Tooltip and Icon for that second /cast so if anyone wants to show the right tooltip, just add that :smiley: doesnt seem to be hurting anything.

Edit Update (Normal Quick Run)




I did inject a bunch of Manual Spinning Crane Kicks and extra RSK when I had it.



When it comes to AoE I usually outperform most with SCK

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I’ve been testing this out a bit, seems to get stuck on waiting for RSK to come off CD, so I loose a lot of DPS while its trying to cast it. I’m using the talents in the macro - were there manual tweaks you made Balk ?

GCD rule in effect here. One hardware event - a physical keyboard button pusb or a mouse click can only attempt to cast one GCD spell. The second is locked by the first spell seen in the action. /click allows for sub macros and is used often by other writers but it still is subject to this rule. Where the fist GCD ability is seen in either main or sub macro locks any other have abilities.


Did you also install the COOLDOWNS Macro?

I can see it maybe getting stuck here… as Tim above states the multiple casts dont really work, but the Macro will show the Icon of RSK for example.


But I do admit if you use it for about 3-4 min on 1 boss eventually you get stuck a bit, I think it needs a bit more Chi Regen. But I just smash the button a bit faster to cycle through.

Also you have the “Create Icon” for cooldowns - it doesn’t have to be on your action bar just exist in the /macro space

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Thanks for posting this. Currently traveling for work and will take a look when I get back.

Yeah I have the COOLDOWNS and also its got a macro created :slight_smile:
I added a tiger palm in and it seems to have helped.

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Do you have one you are using for AOE? Just curious, I have seen people here using Bonedust brew and wondering how they cast it EX pause macro self cast then resume macro

I have a bone dust version. Need to find it.

You can always add @player to cast at your location

If you could share the done dust version I would be very grateful

Here it is. It is an older version of what i use now. far from optimal but it gives you something to play with.


Usage Information

#1 BoneDust Attempt

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.56.