WW 6.x GS Macro with Stepping Allowing For Custom Rotation

Hi all! Thanks to a wonderful person in one of the other forums (sorry I forgot where I even saw this but many thanks to said person) I learned how to do stepping and rotations based on that. I present to you my WindWalker rotation. I am posting it here both to provide and to ask for help in making it better. I currently use AutoHotkey to repeat Button #2 on my keyboard at 150ms times (I will provide the AutoHotkey as well).

If you have ideas for making this rotation better, please let me know. I will post all of my settings along with this.

You may ask below why the repeats on some stuff… That’s why I need advice. I’m trying to guarentee it gets cast. If you have better ways of doing something please let me know i’ll happily use it and re-edit this post! If you have better ideas for what Talents or Glyphs to use, i’m down for that as well!!

Please note that this site makes some bad edits to code that is pasted and as such I would not trust anything shown here in the block quotes. SO I have linked both files here for you to view at an external site that has proper font support and doesn’t change ’ to a slanted quote.

Download Sequence @ PasteBin

Download AutoHotkey Script @ PasteBin

The Code:

Sequences["Monk.WWST2"] = { PreMacro = [[ /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /startattack ]], PostMacro = [[ /cast [combat,nochanneling] Serenity /cast [combat,nochanneling] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger /cast [combat,nochanneling] Touch of Death /use [combat,nochanneling] 13 /use [combat,nochanneling] 14 ]], StepFunction = [[ stepa = "1234356789492491356"
limit = string.len(stepa) or 1
if stepc == nil then
	stepc = 1
if stepc >= limit then
	stepc = 1
	stepc = stepc + 1
step = tonumber(strsub (stepa, stepc, stepc))


– Step 1 - Energy and Bad Touches… What more could you need?
/cast [nochanneling] Chi Brew
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Energizing Brew
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Touch of Karma
/cast [nochanneling] Touch of Death
– Step 2 - Furious Fists
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Fists of Fury
– Step 3 - Cast Sequence YAY
Chi Wave
– Step 4 - Poke it with a stick!
/cast [nochanneling] Jab
– Step 5 - Mmm Energy
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
– Step 6 - Just in Case I’m Hurt
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Expel Harm
– Step 7 - Tiger Palm
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Tiger Palm
– Step 8 - Rising Sun Kick
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Rising Sun Kick
– Step 9 - Blackout Kick
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Blackout Kick

My Talents:

My Glyphs:

The AutoHotkey:

#Persistent #HotkeyInterval 1000 #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000


Random(min,max) {
Random, out, %min%, %max%
return out

Send {2}
Sleep, % Random(130,150)
if not GetKeyState(“2”, “P”)

About the AutoHotkey Code: In it you will see a call to a function Random. I know this may sound silly but this makes it seem more human The first # is the beginning of the Random # Block to Choose from The Second obviously the end. This just lets you randomly every time it loops through choose a different millisecond sleep time in the Time Frame so that you dont appear to be a bot pressing the keys. You can vary it to a higher degree if you want. I actually use 60-140 by default. That way there’s at least some mystery to it :slight_smile:

Love the possibilities of using the code

I think I speak for many on this.
I have many different toons, hunter SV and BM, warlock , DK , and a rogue.
I would like a simple example to have all my macros in one file.

I like the sequencer and would have them as a condition of the toon that I am playing.
That may not be possible with steps as they are.
Also can there be more than nine steps?
Background: New guild and want to get all professions to 600 to be able to sell BoA gear to my guild members.
I use just the UI macros now, but would like to try the GS system.
Also would like to toss in some crafting macros.

And I would like to thank the poster for how well he has set his post out with all the information to copy it
Well done & wish more posters did the same as he has

Thank you for the macro. I just had a question about RSK, BK and the associated debuffs.

RSK does go off right at the beginning but the uptime is very low after that. RSK, Mortal Wounds, and Blackout kick debuffs all have a very low uptime. I’m wondering if maybe I’m doing something wrong.

I am not using Autohotkey. I tried, but was unsuccessful at getting the script to run (Autohotkey newb here). As of right now I’m just kinda mashing the button to see how it works until I can figure out how to use Autohotkey. Overall it’s great! but I was just concerned about the uptime of the debuffs, especially RSK.

Thanks much!

@JonDough I understand, that’s totally why I posted these. I am by no means even good at the Monk in my opinion. I’m 95 and I only pull about 5600-5900 dps. I know I could do more. That’s also why I put the stepping in there, so that way if you want certain things to be attempted more often just add their # in more. For instance if RSK uptime is low you could just change:

stepa = “1234356789492491356”

As you see there’s only 1 casting of 8 in there which is probably silly of them but that’s why I asked for advice as I suck at this.

To say:

stepa = “123438567894924913856”

This would triple the amount that it was cast. Also AutoHotkey is a program you dont add it to the GnomeSequencer script. If you go to www.autohotkey.com you can get and install the program. Then you just save that autohotkey script as a SomeFilename.ahk and then run it. It iwll run and press 2 repeatedly when you hold down button 2. You can hit the Pause Key to pause the script.


BTW tell me how it works out for you! Please :slight_smile:


Thank you for the kind words. I too see posts on here that are a nightmare to read and are so very confusing. Most people expect everyone else to be up to their capabilities on stuff which just isn’t the case. Especially on a site like this, most people aren’t going to know how to use certain software or know that this site messes with the encoding of certain characters so a macros ’ can be changed to an oddly slanted '. I am very glad that someone noticed the time I put into the post and realized how much I wanted everyone to just be able to read it and have a good time learning about it!

Thanks again!

Fostot! Thank you so much for the quick reply. As soon as I get home from work and I will give this a shot and post an update here as well. Thanks much for the explanation as well as for the Autohotkey help.