should never fire anything at 10ms
it is unhuman and you will miss more cast then you get anything done
Honestly mate thanks so much you are a legend! any warlock macros by any chance?
getting an error called unknown unit constantly
Sorry, Noob here, trying this for first time, not sure how to ask this. When i go into edit i see 3 numbers that are the macros? how do you chose one specific one, like what if i wanted the rotation for number two, how do i get that macro to my key oard?
The whole point of lazy people using wow lazy macros is for us to be ridiculous fast at key spamming for it to work and in this case 10ms, 50ms or 100ms is all unhumanily fast so im not sure what your point is
I do agree that some, if not most macros are best used at 80ms to 100ms but that is not the case for the macro here.
But what i do believe is that the software of the individuals users may cause some issues compared to others but that is just speculations and is out of my league to figure why one group of people have no issue running this macro at 10ms while others do seem to have struggles which sucks!
I would need more intel for me to help you out here… Sorry!
Feel free to DM with a picture of the issue or something.
Im afraid that i will be disappointing you on that request
I have yet to play a Warlock and it will probably be a while till i will.
I mainly play Paladin, Hunter and now Priest for the first time.
Due to some forum rules, im not allowed to post any pictures here in the public forum, so i will write you a DM with step by step picture guide
To all the rest of you im sorry if you are having issues running the macro and i wish i would have an answer to why you not able to run while others can… IT SUCKS!
I personal are using AutoHotkey to run any of my key pressing keys and all i can do to help for now is to share that knowledge and you could try it out and see if that make any different.
My AutoHotkey is as seen below it will repeat key 1 or 2 while pressed at a speed of 10ms
(might want watch a youtube video of how to … if you arent familiar with it)
While GetKeyState("1","P")
Send, 1
Sleep, 10 ; every 10 miliseconds
While GetKeyState("2","P")
Send, 2
Sleep, 10 ; every 10 miliseconds
your Logic is wrong with the idea its for use to be super fast thats not what the point is… You need to look at how tim breaks down MS and why it runs the way it does and i can tell you right now running at 10ms as a caster you will miss 50% if not more of all clicks… 100ms is more of the sweet spot for casters like Spriest… you should look in to how ms works tim has a full guide on it …
And my point on 10ms is unhuman speeds it will flag you for automation programs for the rapid speed clicking of a sent command its just the simple… you are pressing 1 or 2 or what ever never in a human speed it will flag you…
the average human can press a button at about 60ms not 10
So my problem was some of my addons were causing it to lock up. Disabled a few and it starting working. Great Macro by the way.
Im not to argue with you but…
You are right on the part that an average human can press a single button (press down and release) in 60ms but that has nothing to do with the macros here… If i set it to repeat with 60ms its ~~16 clicks in a second…
If i set it to be 100ms its 10 clicks in a second…
Reason for me to set it at 10ms is so that it will shuffle through the macro much faster, at a speed of 100 clicks per secound which resualt in less stand time between spell casting.
I’ve tested it with my macro and i get better numbers at this rate…
But you are more than welcome to try it out for yourself and do as you prefer
And thank you for your input but we can agree to disagree i guess
Happy to hear you got it to work!
In my experience with gse lower ms like 10ms is good for priority based macros. For sequencel based you want to run it slower. Reason i believe is for prio it dose line 1 then line 1 2 then line 1 2 3 and so on. So the faster you spam it the faster it gets to trying all the lines then resets. This way it catches spells as they come off cooldown faster. For seq you will skip lines when spamming fast so for those slow it down. As for setting ms and ticked the external ms timer in gse. This is only beneficial if the macro has the /click pause in it.
As for this macro i ran smooth for me at 20ms.
quick question though
/cast [nochanneling:Void Torrent],[channeling:Mind Flay, Smite]
i know how [nochanneling:Void Torrent],[channeling:Mind Flay, this part works but how dose the Smite part work. Wouldent the mind flay part work alone as smite turns into mindflay
Went I went to update the macro I got the message saying "Sequence Named ZANYZ_SHADOW_SINGLE was not specifically designed for this version of the game. It may need adjustments.
Hello @imsystem
As for what i know it should work as you mentioned. Mind Flay and Smite is the same, just depends on the spec you are in.
But, im not sure 100% sure how GSE works sometimes as, if i were to make a new /cast or /castsequence with the following spell Mind Flay, then the next time i reopen/edit the macro it would have change the Mind Flay to Smite within the macro and other times it dont so simple because im not 100% sure why it does that, i just chose to write in both Mind Flay and Smite to be sure.
Ugh… Im not sure what that means? Could be GSE that needs an update if there have been any recently?
I dont know… It dont give me any messages like that when i just tried to import the macro again.
Hey yo,
Seems to be a nice macro, I recommend you to try on 100 ms, for me seems to be work better.
If it spams unknown unit for you and it really bothers you delete the /assist line, solves it.
Also stucks around 40-45 sec totally broking the sequence, at 10 ms it is not as much as noticable, only because the sequence I think does not go trough all the time (as I mentioned 100 ms seems to perform better, at 10ms dps lower for me, for the record my shadow priest low ilvl and Necrolord).
Yesterday I read a topic here about broken sequence or whatever and it was mentioned that some spells in fact modifications of another spell or something along that (such as Smite and Mind Flay).
So it happens that Shadow Word: Death is a modification of Shadow Word: Pain, if you delete Shadow Word: Death from the sequence the stuck seems to disappear (maybe Shadow Word: Death on CD makes in the macro uncastable the Pain or it wants to cast Death again?).
Try it and let me know if it solves for you.
I tested all the macros on the site, this macro top3 for sure. Might modify it to my playstyle, but last week I was figuring out my warlock. Thanks for the upload.
thats cause you probably dont have a focus target. Changing /assist focus to /assist [@focus,exists] will check if there is a focus and not give error. If there is a focus will assist focus @MrZanyz I would recommend updateing your macro with this so the error goes away.
Thank you for that info! Fixed it.
But i just had the chance to test the /assist focus and to be honest, its not really worth it as if my focus target change target too often, then i just end up spamming only Vampiric Touch on targets that already has it.
So i personal dont think its worth it at all to have that option within the macro and will have it removed.
Thank you
Still cnat get it to cast searing nightmare
Fixed it the macro changed to tab 1… duhh will try now lol
Like the macro. using it to level atm. I changed the st macro to use the aoe macro with shift. personal pref. works great.
Thanks for the work!!
How can i stop the slight lockup? Also the searing nightmare version doesn’t seem to cast shadow word pain enough?