so I noticed that you have smite in the macro. it seems to just stop when i get to that spell and freezes for a bit the goes again. should that be replaced with mind flay since shadow doesn’t get smite?
I dont think that is the case?
Smite is just being replaced with Mind Flay by default when you change spec.
As in they share the same spell ID button and if you try to /cast Smite in Shadow it will use Mind Flay and if you try to /cast Mind Flay in Holy/Disc, it will use Smite.
But i guess you could try?
But its most likely some MS issue.
I’ve set mine to run at 10ms key pressing and it works perfectly for me, while other needs to run it at 25-50-75-100 or something for it to work for them… So i would try and play around with that and see if that fix it.
Try to delete shadow word: death
I have updated the macro to have a better uptime on SW:Pain and Vampiric touch while using macro(3) which is used IF Searing Nightmare is picked in the talent tree.
ive been using your macro and so far its been great! but i do occasionally get stuck in a Vampiric Touch spam and it wont do anything else for atleast 5-10 seconds, know what causes this? ( Razor Synapse runs it at 10ms )
Ive been experience that a few times myself and i would blame it on the addon GSE getting stuck with the KeyPress within the macro… But i could be wrong?
As for all the macro it will start the rotation with a KeyPress and in this case - /castsequence reset=target Vampiric Touch, null
After using Vampiric Touch its supposed to move on with the actual Sequence and not use KeyPress as it is set to null and only use it if you select a new target.
And for me it happens if i am a little too fast with TAB targeting to apply Vampiric Touch on to them all, then it sometimes just get stuck with that KeyPress and dont move on to the Sequence which suck but an easy fix to that is to re-select the target, can be done by just pressing escape or target something els real quick so that the macro KeyPress will reset when you change target and it will then move on.
Hope that was the fix to that but i can be wrong? Thats just personal experience ive had and might be the same with you
Ya its hard to figure out but i do kno alot of the other macro’s ive tried did the same if i went below 50ms though i havent tried this in slower yet
to counter the spamming i made changes to version 3 to have
/cast [mod:alt,nochanneling] Vampiric Touch
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Shadow Word: Pain, null
Which Has made it somewhat stop the spamming VT but its easy for me apply VT with the use of alt since its close to my thumb on a Razer Tartarus v2,
though i personally like to avoid using to many alt/shift/ctrl stuff due to arthritis XD
nice maccro, raidbot 2341 dps and in game 2294.
hey all i have fixed the solution to VT Spam try this out and thank you @MrZanyz for the macro hopefully u will like this updated version of your macro and currently using the 2nd tab as default ver. this ver keeps up both VT and SwP and one shift mod for Death
Usage Information
PvP(1) = 2-1-2-3-3-3-2 // PvE(2) = 1-?-2-?-1-3-(1 or 2) // PvE(2) = 1-?-3-?-1-3-(1 or 2)
These are the talents i prefer but you can change them as you like.
PvP(1) I use Vampiric Touch, SW:Death, Trinkets and Cooldowns myself (beside Power Infusion) as i do believe they better to use in the right moment, especially in the Open World and PvP which is what i do focus on.
PvE(2) This one has Vampiric Touch and Void Eruption used within the Macro.
SW:Death is not use in this macro sequence and you should have it on a seperate key for when the target drops below 20% health.
PvE(3) Talent(Searing Nightmare or Twist of Fate) If you chose to go with Searing Nightmare or Twist of Fate as for talent, then you should be using Macro(3) for single target as it will keep up both SW: Pain and VT on single targets but it wont use Mind Sear and Searing Nightmare…
For that you will need to use my Multi target macro to benefit from that.
Also SW:Death is not use in this macro sequence and you should have it on a seperate key for when the target drops below 20% health.
(If you do wish to use one over the other (1, 2 or 3) then just simple edit it here below in the Configuration tab)
Run at 10ms
This macro contains 3 macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.33.
- The Default macro is 2
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority
KeyPress: Shadowform
Main Sequence: Void Bolt, Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, Mindgames, Smite, Void Torrent
KeyRelease: Mindgames, Void Bolt, Devouring Plague
Macro Version 2
Step Function: Priority
KeyPress: Shadow Word: Death, Shadowform
Main Sequence: Void Bolt, Mindgames, Vampiric Touch, Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, Smite, Void Torrent, Void Eruption, Shadowfiend
KeyRelease: Mindgames, Void Bolt, Devouring Plague
Macro Version 3
Step Function: Priority
KeyPress: Vampiric Touch, Shadowform, Shadow Word: Pain
Main Sequence: Void Bolt, Shadow Word: Pain, Mindgames, Vampiric Touch, Mind Blast, Void Torrent, Shadowfiend, Smite, Void Eruption, Devouring Plague
KeyRelease: Mindgames, Void Bolt, Devouring Plague
with the updated version tab 2 i get a loss of 1-1.5k dps as if i got the tab 3 lol so i guess ill stay with tab 3
btw im 174ilvl Spriest
Nice macro doesnt ever spam VT on target dummies but it does clip the last 1.25 sec on mindflay in order to cast Mind blast
Is the aoe not casting Searing Nightmare for anyone else? When I make 2 default it only cast SWP.
Also getting a question mark on the spell button
mind blast has priority to cast.
Love to try it, but yeah, it only spams VT
As @zen-jamin said
Mind Flay is just a filler and is set to be interrupted whenever it has the chace to cast something els
Uff… A dps loss of 1-1.5k?
Im not sure what the issue behind that is but could be you have set the default to use the wrong one?
Works fine when i am using it.
But there is a somewhat known issue that GSE can get stuck in the KeyPress macros OR atleast it dose for me and if that happens i just re-select the target and that should reset / unstuck the whole rotation.
But this only rarely happen to me tho.