Zerg BM Hunter - Mythic+ and Raid [11.02.2023 ] YouTube

Works awesome! Lovin’ it!

Updating the talent loadouts for current:

Single Talent Loadout


M+ Talent Loadout


Correction on ST

I digress thank you. Have a great day!

7+7= 14
15+15= 30


I digress thank you. Have a great day!

I do have the “software”. I’ve been using the “software” for years.

I used simple, basic math and watched a video on YouTube to help me along. Don’t ask me which video because it was a loooong time ago.

Why does there always seem to be a smart ass answer to simple questions lately? Would it be possible to just answer the question without sarcasm?

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There was zero sarcasm implied.

And I did answer the question…

I digress thank you. Have a great day!

If your looking to compare stats with Zërg@Burning Legion etc:

Zërg@Burning Legion - Armory
Zërg@Burning Legion - Warcraft Logs

Logs are not always what they appear to be - a MAJOR factor is the time of the kill/Instance completion. Its better to look at your numbers(Spell%-Aura%) in Details and see how close they are to what Simcraft says the should be. If your numbers are close the rest will come with solid time on target and speed of kills/Instance completion


tbh, your macros were not working in the open world. They worked fine on target dummies, but not the rest

hi zerz! anyway i could get in touch with you to walk me through this macro?

hi can you pm me boss

  • 40% Crit
  • 30% Haste
  • 30% Versatility
  • ~5400 Mastery Rating

B0PAIlFMjeNhnEouGfV8Ij2uS5ACaJAIEAAAAAAAAAAAaEKSolEJkIRSoJEhkQSSEakEB this talents say out of date

  • 40% Crit
  • 30% Haste
  • 30% Versatility
  • ~5400 Mastery Rating

the macro is very good, but it can be improved if you can, make it use barbed fire after you use bestial wrath.
Because the bestial wrath, provide 2 charges and soon has to be used to not lose 1 charge.

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I’d love to give this a try, but obviously, with the 10.1.5 release, the talent tree string is out of date. Any chance anyone could give a screenshot of what is used for each, so that even if it expires, we can adjust manually?

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Best Beast Mastery Hunter Talent Tree Builds - Dragonflight 10.1.5 - Wowhead :wink: