Gnome Sequencer

this is a stand alone add-on. when you create the macro in game you just need to name the title. and do not place any lines into the macro. this is done by the add-on. im hoping this addon will be able to add some sort of timing or proper seqencing like the old macros used to have

[quote quote=18004]Could somebody make a step by step video from downloading the file to actually having the macro in game as I am still confused.
This is what is in my Sequences.lua
local _, Sequences = … — Don’t touch this

Sequences[‘Marks’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/cast A Murder of Crows’,
‘/cast Chimaera Shot’,
‘/cast Kill Shot’,
‘/cast Glaive Toss’,
‘/cast Aimed Shot’,
‘/cast Steady Shot’,
‘/cast Rapid Fire’,
PostMacro = [[
/petattack [@target,harm][]
Now how do i save it on my macro box so i can use it in game
I went in game opened up macro named it Marks added the text to it and all it did was put it out in chat


you only need to fill out the title of you macro in game. do not add any code. the add-on does that.

[quote quote=18006]Just a thought is this a standalone addon or is it dependent on another addon ?

this is a stand alone add-on

im hoping this add-on will be able to add some form of timings into the macros. to make it cast at better times, im currently working on modifying this add-on to see what i can make it do

also just to be clear. this is not my add-on i just simply found it and thought it would be a good thing to share. If i make any progress with my modifications i will post them here first

I am looking for a Blood DK sequence please. Maybe also a CatDPS also.

Try this…I haven’t tested it, but it should work. You can add or delete etc, etc…

Sequences[‘Tank DK’] = {
‘/cast Icy Touch’,
‘/cast Plague Strike’,
‘/cast Blood Boil’,
‘/cast Death Strike’,
‘/cast Soul Reaper’,
‘/cast Outbreak’,
‘/cast Dancing Rune Weapon’,
‘/cast Empower Rune Weapon’,
‘/cast Blood Tap’,
‘/cast Bone Shield’,
‘/cast Anti-Magic Shell’,

Not sure how long we have got before Blizz break this addon. But I absolutely love it !

I have quite a few more to add when I get round to it. As I have all classes at 90. But I will share as I make.

local _, Sequences = ...
-- Fury Warrior Single Target
Sequences['FuryST'] = {
	'/cast Execute',
	'/cast Raging Blow',
	'/cast Bloodthirst',	
	'/cast Wild Strike',
-- Fury Warrior AOE
Sequences['FuryAOE'] = {
	'/cast Execute',
	'/cast Raging Blow',
	'/cast Bloodthirst',	
	'/cast WhirlWind',
-- Marksmanship Hunter Single Target
Sequences['MMST'] = {
	'/cast Chimaera Shot',
	'/cast Kill Shot',
	'/cast Glaive Toss',
	'/cast Aimed Shot',
	'/cast Steady Shot',
-- Marksmanship Hunter AOE
Sequences['MMAOE'] = {
	'/cast Chimaera Shot',
	'/cast Kill Shot',
	'/cast Glaive Toss',
	'/cast Multi-Shot',
	'/cast Steady Shot',
-- Survival Hunter Single Target
Sequences['SVST'] = {
	'/cast Explosive Shot',
	'/cast Black Arrow',
	'/cast Glaive Toss',
	'/cast Arcane Shot',
	'/cast Explosive Shot',
	'/cast Cobra Shot',
-- Survival Hunter AOE
Sequences['SVAOE'] = {
	'/cast Explosive Shot',
	'/cast Glaive Toss',
	'/cast Multi-Shot',
	'/cast Cobra Shot',

would love to see a feral macro for this … im working on one

doesnt seem that alot of macro makers no about this add on yet give it a few for ppl to learn about it and macros will be flowing again.
i would love to see one for WW monks, Shadow priests and Assn rogues

I’ve been having trouble making one for WWs. It doesn’t play well with the chi/energy resources for me. Still playing with it although I haven’t made much, if any, progress.

so after all that and i load the game and name the macro do i leave the macro blank or do do i put spells in the macro?

i dont understand, i hace copied my macro in:

Sequences[‘Feral’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/cast Rake’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Rip’,
‘/cast Rake’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Savage Roar’,
PostMacro = [[

after i log in game and create a macro called Feral with no text inside. but when i press the button the macro cant start. any suggestion?

i still have problem. this is the sper i do:

  1. download and insert the addon in World of Warcraft\Interface\addons

  2. renamed the file Sequences.lua

  3. copy the macro inside
    local _, Sequences = …
    – Feral Druid Single Target
    Sequences[‘Feral’] = {
    PreMacro = [[
    /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
    ‘/cast Rake’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Rip’,
    ‘/cast Rake’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Savage Roar’,
    PostMacro = [[

  4. log in game and create a macro with the name Feral with no text
    5 put the button i create on the bar.
    but when i pusch it nothing happen,
    any suggestion?

I have read all the documentation and still have questions.The idea is great but the execution is not there because of the following you would actually lose dps and key skills.

this goes through a rotation of casts 123 123 etc if 2 is on cd it will go to 3…but my problem is if i want it to go 123 and when 2 is of cd hit it again there is no way to prioritize the code to make it do that

also how do you save sequences for specific characters? and also you need to exit the entire game everytime you want to change a macro and scroll through the file for the macro you want to change

its a fantastic idea dont get me wrong and many “older” macros were better and if this addon evolves it can do great things

jmo not bashing in any way, kudos to op for finding this

[quote quote=18065]i still have problem. this is the sper i do:

  1. download and insert the addon in World of Warcraft\Interface\addons

  2. renamed the file Sequences.lua

  3. copy the macro inside
    local _, Sequences = …
    — Feral Druid Single Target
    Sequences[‘Feral’] = {
    PreMacro = [[
    /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
    ‘/cast Rake’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Rip’,
    ‘/cast Rake’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Shred’,
    ‘/cast Savage Roar’,
    PostMacro = [[

  4. log in game and create a macro with the name Feral with no text
    5 put the button i create on the bar.
    but when i pusch it nothing happen,
    any suggestion?

You were using the wrong symbols. Here is your macro in code blocks so you can see clearer where the mistake is.

— Feral Druid Single Target
Sequences['Feral'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/cast Rake’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Rip’,
‘/cast Rake’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Savage Roar’,
PostMacro = [[

And this is a ‘working’ version of your macro without the PreMacro and PostMacro (As I do not know how to use these commands as of yet). The macro is terrible, however it will give you something to work on. :slight_smile:

-- Feral Druid Single Target
Sequences['Feral'] = {
	'/cast Rake',
	'/cast Shred',
	'/cast Shred',
	'/cast Shred',
	'/cast Rip',
	'/cast Rake',
	'/cast Shred',
	'/cast Shred',
	'/cast Shred',
	'/cast Shred',
	'/cast Savage Roar',

tnks grags, i try this one now, but i think i dont understand how to write the premacro and postmacro probally.

still not working :smiley:
i have copy and paste your correction but nothing.

Hey guys nice job with the Gnome Sequencer macros. I know some of you are already posting them in the right Classes forums. For those who have for different classes do not forget to post them in the right Class forum so people can find them easier.

Great job again finding a nice way to do sequences and many thanks to the author of this addOn.

Hi guys been a big fan of this site for some time thanks for all the wicked macros.

Im trying to set up this Gnome sequence and am running into a problem i have not found a solution for yet and wondered if im being stupid, I have followed all the instructions to the letter I think but it appears im doing something wrong.
When I load wow after the install there is a message saying gnome sequence failed to load…
i then create a blank macro with the sequence name and reload the ui but nothing happens.

If anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

P.s. all the sequences i have tried were copied and pasted from here.

Thanks in advance.

ok guys i have solved the problem:
for working macro u have to add the macro and dont delete nothing like this example, this is my working feral macro:
local _, Sequences = … – Don’t touch this
Sequences[‘Feral’] = {
‘/cast Rake’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Rip’,
‘/cast Rake’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Shred’,
‘/cast Savage Roar’,

– Rename this file to Sequences.lua before you get started, it uses a different file name so as not to overwrite your existing file with a future update.
– Every entry in the Sequences table defines a single sequence of macros which behave similarly to /castsequence.
– Sequence names must be unique and contain no more than 16 characters.
– To use a macro sequence, create a blank macro in-game with the same name you picked for the sequence here and it will overwrite it.

– Here’s a large demonstration sequence documenting the format:
Sequences[“GnomeExample1”] = {
– StepFunction optionally defines how the step is incremented when pressing the button.
– This example increments the step in the following order: 1 12 123 1234 etc. until it reaches the end and starts over
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1

-- PreMacro is optional macro text that you want executed before every single button press.
-- This is if you want to add something like /startattack or /stopcasting before all of the macros in the sequence.
PreMacro = [[

/run print("-- PreMacro Script --")

-- PostMacro is optional macro text that you want executed after every single button press.
-- I don't know what you would need this for, but it's here anyway.
PostMacro = [[

/run print("-- PostMacro Script --")

-- Macro 1

/run print(“Executing macro 1!”)
/cast SpellName1

-- Macro 2

/run print(“Executing macro 2!”)
/cast SpellName2

-- Macro 3

/run print(“Executing macro 3!”)
/cast SpellName3

– Here is a short example which is what most sequences will look like
Sequences[“GnomeExample2”] = {
– Macro 1
/run print(“Executing macro 1!”)
/cast SpellName1

-- Macro 2

/run print(“Executing macro 2!”)
/cast SpellName2

-- Macro 3

/run print(“Executing macro 3!”)
/cast SpellName3

inside the file u dont have to delete nothing and the macro work :smiley:

This was left on another Form about a GM getting back to someone about this addon

Unfortunately, I did not get an adequate answer. Here’s what they said:
“Hello there!

I’m afraid we will not be able to approve of or recommend against the use of any particular addons. It is up to you to determine what is usable within the Terms of Use. If there is any question as to whether something is okay to use or not, it would be best if you did not use it to avoid any problems.

Thank you for your patience, and if you have any other questions, please let us know!”

Wait a whole day for that! LoL!

I’m going to hold off on using it for a while and check back after WoD starts to see if it’s still around. Thanks for the macro tho, works amazingly for me. I’m just too worried about losing my Account to use it with the alternatives I have.

Thank you.

Original form GnomeSequencer Marksman macro - Patch 6.0+ - WoW Lazy Macros

I know I am not going to risk my 10 year old Acct. and my thousands of hours of play time… Please try to keep all of us informed on this addon… It does look like a really good adon but not going to risk it just yet.

[quote quote=17712]This is pretty neat. I was actually thinking recently of how you would do exactly this in lua… At any rate here is some prot pally sequences that will make you a boss:

Sequences['ProtAOE'] = { 
	'/cast Hammer of the Righteous',
	'/cast Judgement',	
	"/cast Avenger's Shield",
	'/cast Consecration',	
	'/cast Holy Wrath',	
	'/cast Holy Prism',	
	'/cast Shield of the Righteous',
	'/cast Sacred Shield',	
Sequences['ProtST'] = { 
	'/cast Crusader Strike',
	'/cast Judgement',	
	"/cast Avenger's Shield",
	'/cast Hammer of Wrath',	
	'/cast Consecration',	
	'/cast Holy Wrath',	
	'/cast Holy Prism',	
	'/cast Shield of the Righteous',
	'/cast Sacred Shield',


Do you happen to have one for Ret? If so please place share it in the thread I made for Pally. Thanks