WOD BM Single Button Macros (Newest)

Hi beef

First of thanks for the macro, I am very stpid when it comes to pc’s I just play games lols. I am going to use this on my hunter now and if u post other macros I will use them aswell as I have all charators but a little lost since 6.0.2.

Again awesome job on macros :slight_smile:

Thanks for the great macro. Really appreciate your work.
Here is what I did with it. Really seems to work well:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/castsequence reset=5 Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=15 !Kill Command, !Glaive Toss, !Focus Fire
/castrandom Bestial Wrath
/castrandom Dire Beast
/castrandom Kill Shot
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

[quote quote=17000]Thanks for the great macro. Really appreciate your work.
Here is what I did with it. Really seems to work well:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/castsequence reset=5 Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=15 !Kill Command, !Glaive Toss, !Focus Fire
/castrandom Bestial Wrath
/castrandom Dire Beast
/castrandom Kill Shot
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Thomas, what talents and glyphs are you using? Your macro uses skills not listed in beefs. Like dire beast etc. What dps are you getting with your macro? Very interested.

[quote quote=17000]Thanks for the great macro. Really appreciate your work.
Here is what I did with it. Really seems to work well:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/castsequence reset=5 Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=15 !Kill Command, !Glaive Toss, !Focus Fire
/castrandom Bestial Wrath
/castrandom Dire Beast
/castrandom Kill Shot
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

What are your talents /glyphs?

First off, thank you Beefy for your macros. I am new to the hunter class and it has helped me out immensely.

Secondly, as I stated above, I am new to the hunter class; actually I just started the char because the guild was in need of a “good” one for WoD. So, I have been reading the Icy-Vein forums and based on them, the Barrage skill is supposed to be superior to Glaive Toss. I am curious as to why your macros are still using Glaive Toss and not Barrage? Could you please explain to help me better understand?

I am not insulting your macros by any means, I lack the knowledge of the hunter class, so I am basing my question off what I read on Icy-Veins Forums.


[quote quote=17042]First off, thank you Beefy for your macros. I am new to the hunter class and it has helped me out immensely.

Secondly, as I stated above, I am new to the hunter class; actually I just started the char because the guild was in need of a “good” one for WoD. So, I have been reading the Icy-Vein forums and based on them, the Barrage skill is supposed to be superior to Glaive Toss. I am curious as to why your macros are still using Glaive Toss and not Barrage? Could you please explain to help me better understand?

I am not insulting your macros by any means, I lack the knowledge of the hunter class, so I am basing my question off what I read on Icy-Veins Forums.


Only reason I an using glaive toss instead of barrage, is I can always count on it hitting the targets I want and not pulling anything else, I find that with barrage sometimes you end up hitting targets that you don’t want to hit. I have just always likes glaive toss and it’s 5 seconds faster cool down than barrage. which means more dos and a better flowing macro. And I just like it. Feel free to use any talents and things that you want just make sure they are in the right place so they always cast off and they do not effect your macro free flow.


Great, thanks for the explanation! I have tried it with Barrage and I am not getting it to fire correctly. Where do you recommend inserting Barrage?

Barrage does not always pull ahead in real world applications. Glaive offers more utility via a slow - quicker cool down and in most cases pulls ahead of barrage As barrage is channeled you can see how this can be a major DPS loss in most fights. It is also easier to control then barrage and flows much better.

If you are new to hunter I seriously suggest using Glaive. You use Barrage when you have money to be an elitist and switch up your glyphs every five minutes in a raid. You may want to get BIS first as well. As Barrage is only really good in some trash which we all know does not carry much weight. No one has ever been a Raid hero for having the highest DPS in trash it all matters about the boss and the channel time on barrage will be a DPS loss which will make you look like a raid failure instead of a hero.

Also because Barrage is channeled you have to use a special macro command which I am not even sure if that is possible anymore. I think it went something like /no cast channel or something. It will not just work if you put it into your macro.

tldr/ Iceviens is wrong about 90 percent of the time… The fact that it failed to calculate for the channel time you can use no spell or abilities shows how reliable that site is. Not to be be dismisive Barrage has it’s niche and situations but for the most part glaive is the clear winner.

Nice Macro! I add changed it a little to have it work for me. Added “Kill Shot” in the castsequence because it would never fire off.

#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/castsequence reset=5 Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, Concussive shot
/castsequence reset=15 !Kill Command, !Glaive Toss, !Focus Fire, !Kill Shot
/castrandom Bestial Wrath
/castrandom !Dire Beast
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

I think I have got the ultimate BM macro plz give a try and see what you think

#showtooltip Kill Command
/castsequence reset=combat Glaive Toss, null
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Cobra Shot,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Glaive Toss
/castrandom [combat] !kill shot
/petattack [combat]

your forcus is holding about 50 all the time
just spam the shit out of the macro lol. Kill shot goes off as well

I have tried the above macro on beta and yes it works like a charm

[quote quote=17419]I think I have got the ultimate BM macro plz give a try and see what you think

#showtooltip Kill Command
/castsequence reset=combat Glaive Toss, null
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Cobra Shot,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Glaive Toss
/castrandom [combat] !kill shot
/petattack [combat]

your forcus is holding about 50 all the time
just spam the shit out of the macro lol. Kill shot goes off as well

It works pretty good, i was pulling 10k on dummies (self biffed with crit pet and flask) 577 ilvl, think it might need to arcane shot a little more holding on a bit too much focus for me.

beef your macro is great but i was doing the same or a little more than a 562 bm hunter. well i think it was sv… im not sure. it’s one or the other. i’m 575 with tier set. albeit my ping never shrinks lower than 80ms. am i really stuck in this area? or maybe he was doing full manual and thus could reach high heights?

[quote quote=17419]I think I have got the ultimate BM macro plz give a try and see what you think

#showtooltip Kill Command
/castsequence reset=combat Glaive Toss, null
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Cobra Shot,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Glaive Toss
/castrandom [combat] !kill shot
/petattack [combat]

your forcus is holding about 50 all the time
just spam the shit out of the macro lol. Kill shot goes off as well

This works really well!!! Any chance for aoe one like that?


I tired this macro:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/castsequence reset=5 Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=15 !Kill Command, !Glaive Toss, !Focus Fire
/castrandom Bestial Wrath
/castrandom Dire Beast
/castrandom Kill Shot
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

minus a few lines.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=5 Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=15 !Kill Command, !Glaive Toss, !Focus Fire
/castrandom Bestial Wrath
/castrandom Dire Beast
/castrandom Kill Shot

I also tried beefs as well and dire beast would be ify about firing off and maybe once kill command would go off. Also I was getting interrupts when casting cobra shot. So I moved kill command into rotation also added in mend pet. ( i only really use macros for farming hence the pet heals. But i aim to make things dead fast.)
so I modified it some and got the following out of it.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=5 Arcane Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Multi-Shot, Mend Pet, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Multi-Shot, Cobra Shot, 
/castsequence reset=5 !Glaive Toss, !Dire Beast, 
/castrandom Bestial Wrath
/castrandom Kill Shot

For me now everything is firing could one of you geared hunters give it a whirl and let me know the results?

very good macro Keilme! I was pulling steady 15k with that - no buffs at all.
I use this tho
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [@focus,help][@pet]Misdirection
#showtooltip Kill Command
/castsequence reset=combat Glaive Toss,null
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=combat Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Cobra Shot,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Glaive Toss
/userandom [combat]!kill shot
/userandom [combat]Bestial Wrath
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

P.S. I am 573 ilvl with crit pet…

[quote quote=17863]very good macro Keilme! I was pulling steady 15k with that – no buffs at all.
I use this tho
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [@focus,help][@pet]Misdirection
#showtooltip Kill Command
/castsequence reset=combat Glaive Toss,null
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=combat Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Cobra Shot,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Kill Command,Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Glaive Toss
/userandom [combat]!kill shot
/userandom [combat]Bestial Wrath
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

P.S. I am 573 ilvl with crit pet…

Ty Sir.
Do you have the MD to pet/focus as apart of that macro or is that separate? I myself have one similar but I use it separately.

/cast [@focus,help][help][@pet,exists] Misdirection

now i just need to figure out how to get focus fire to go off on 5 stacks…

/use [@focus,help][@pet]Misdirection
Is in macro(Tanks like it since vigilance is gone), but Focus Fire I just hit manually at 5 stacks

Few Pointers lads and lasses i know we use these sort of macros to make life easier but if you care for things to work and to push your dos then this

/castsequence reset=15 !Kill Command, !Glaive Toss, !Focus Fire

should never be used in a macro. Ill explain basically abilities which have a global cool down for example kill command 6 seconds Glaive toss 15 seconds should not be put into a /castsequence reset=15 or at least not one like this. You see what that is doing is ever 15 seconds regardless the top rotation (or how quick you are spamming) it will fire of those 3 moves in that order, Now that means your firing of kill command 1 time every 15 seconds provided your not focus starved when those 15 seconds come round, when that move has a 6 second cd aka your loosing 1 cast every full rotation and over time potentially 2 , 3, 4 you get my point !!!

Focus fire should never be used in a macro it is very much a situational ability its a burst while no burst are active
You see your bet does more damage without using it you do more damage with it, but it should never be stacked with beast wrath cast because u want your pet to hit for max damage with its stacks, i find the best time to use this ability is as soon as beast wrath runs of and you have no other burst cds up it makes as a nice sustained ability that will last till your beast wrath is due to fire again (consider it a filler burst) You don’t want it being used with out the full 5 stacks and you don’t want to consume your pets 5 stacks when your pet is in wrath its a dos loss.

Macro’s that use move.null <<< this means once its fired this move it will not fire it again until the reset whether that be reset=target or reset=time this can leave you very stuck with focus if your rotation resets when your low on focus and then this fires of/or doesn’t. Abilities like this only really work if it is something you need not ever cast again in the whole fight for example rogues assassination slice and dice once cast they never need cast it again cause envenom resets it to the max cool down regardless if they change target or not, Originaly as hunter we used that script for Hunters Mark since u did not need re apply it Now its dangerous and mass dos loss to use it. NULL=bad idea!

I am part of a 25 man(now) 29 man raiding guild, As such we usually have a main tanks and a off tank. Because of this there are times I need to MD to the off tank. As such I don’t like having a Misdirection macro as part of shot rotation macros.