My BM GS-E 7.1.5 Macro (lazy macro with max dps literally do nothting xD updated

so its has been long time not update my macro sorry guys

original topic My BM GS-E Macro (very lazy macro literally do nothting xD ) with maximum DPS - Patch 7.0+ - WoW Lazy Macros

so my ilvl is 890 (i have very bad item) doing like 470k dps @ guldan after kill him (i start fight with 1.6m dps)
and 2m dps for multi target (tested in +13 keystone dungeon)

hint i dont have Bloodthirsty Instinct / or any good item my item very sucks or tire piece blizzard hate me

legendary i have (The Apex Predator’s Claw - ring) and (Roar of the Seven Lions-waist)

Level 15: Dire Stable – 3 for guldan i chose 1 (Big Game Hunter)
Level 30: Stomp – 1
Level 45: Posthaste – 1
Level 60: One with the Pack – 1 or 3
Level 75: Binding Shot – 1
Level 90: A Murder of Crows – 1
Level 100: new update work with all i prefer 2 Killer Cobra

small hint u are the luckiest man on the earth if u have legendary shoulders (The Mantle of Command) and legendary waist (Roar of the Seven Lions) and Bloodthirsty Instinct trinket and 4 tire piece this (macro) is for u babby go and burn ur enemy

single target macro

Sequences['BM_single'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.0.14.
  Talents = "3,1,1,1,1,1,1",
  Help = "GSE 2 by thekillpoint",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/petattack [@target,harm]",
        "/cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix",
        "/petautocastoff [group] Growl",
        "/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl",
        "/cast Aspect of the Wild",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Dire Beast",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Kill Command",
        "/cast A Murder of Crows",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat/reset  Kill Command, Cobra Shot",

Multi-Target macro

Sequences['BM_aoe'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.0.14.
  Talents = "3,1,1,1,1,1,1",
  Help = "GSE 2 by thekillpoint",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/petattack [@target,harm]",
        "/cast [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix",
        "/petautocastoff [group] Growl",
        "/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl",
        "/cast Aspect of the Wild",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Dire Beast",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Kill Command",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Dire Beast",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Kill Command",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Dire Beast",

another hint guys i use AHK with 80ms ping 180 but guys u need to help macro at start buy spamming cobra shot manually just for 10 sec at fight start cuz at start will focus cap just first 10 sec spamming cobra shot manually after this the macro is totally afk with maximum dps

new update
The Nighthold Raid
as usual my item is still same (bad no luck)

i try those talants with macro and seems give me high dps than previous talants i do 539k at Krosus and look my dps Improved give it try guys with these talant

Level 15: Dire Stable - 3
Level 30: Stomp – 1
Level 45: Posthaste – 1
Level 60: Blink Strikes – 3
Level 75: Binding Shot – 1
Level 90: A Murder of Crows – 1
Level 100: Killer Cobra - 2

guys when i have time i will post Totally afk macro with maximum dps for (Fury warrior) and (protection paladin) and (enhancement shaman) cuz they my alts xD will be add soon and if i have time i plan to play rouge and druid try to make afk macro

Looks good but are you sure the stated talents are correct. You have Murder of Crows in the macro but Volley spec’ed in the talent list !!

[quote quote=45875]Looks good but are you sure the stated talents are correct. You have Murder of Crows in the macro but Volley spec’ed in the talent list !!

its ok i was on scorpion in thnighthold raid so i change Murder of Crows to Volley when i export the macro from GES addons

ANy chance you could post your AHK script for copying?

Can we see you AHK Script?

toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotKey 2
  Toggle := !Toggle
    While Toggle{
      While GetKeyState("Shift","P"){
        Send +{1}
        sleep 80
      While GetKeyState("Alt","P"){
        Send !{1}
        sleep 80
      While GetKeyState("Control","P"){
        Send ^{1}
        sleep 80
      Send {1}
      sleep 80
  sleep 80

 if not GetKeyState("2", "P") 
 Send 2 
 sleep 4 

Tried this macro out the other day and have to say I was quite surprised. I was using Tater’s macro with some great success up until now, but decided to test things out. On a ST dummy in the order hall i held 380k over 100m damage with Tater’s macro. With Hunter’s macro in the first post i held 420k over 100m damage. I then tried it out on a Heroic Krosus just to see in a raid setting and pulled 420k on a fairly average kill time! Considering i’m only 885 equipped on my hunter, with only one legendary (wrist) and 2 set, i was very pleased with the damage. With the 4 set, shoulders and some better gear this macro will definitely do some serious damage. The couple logs i looked at i was in the 93 - 98 percentile for my ilvl range, by far the most efficient macro i’ve used on any class thus far.

[quote quote=45876]

Looks good but are you sure the stated talents are correct. You have Murder of Crows in the macro but Volley spec’ed in the talent list !!

its ok i was on scorpion in thnighthold raid so i change Murder of Crows to Volley when i export the macro from GES addons [/quote]

So, are you using/suggesting Murder or Volley? I’m confused.

[quote quote=46671]

Looks good but are you sure the stated talents are correct. You have Murder of Crows in the macro but Volley spec’ed in the talent list !!

its ok i was on scorpion in thnighthold raid so i change Murder of Crows to Volley when i export the macro from GES addons
So, are you using/suggesting Murder or Volley? I’m confused. [/quote]

for multi target use Volley (aoe boss & muthic+) for single target use Murder of Crows but if u dont care just use Murder of Crows and u good

So update since my last post and 7.2 release. I’m now ilvl 895 equipped, with the neck and bracers as my 2 lego’s. My guild ran our first H NH since the 7.2 release and i seem to be pulling great numbers.

Had a 92% parse as per ilvl on Tichondrius with 818k.

Single Target i seem to be doing great as well, Only parse i had that was ST ish was Guldan Normal.

76% parse was 563k

Thanks again for this macro!

I for the life of me cannot get this macro to work. I type “/gs” in chat, it opens up gse. I go to import and paste in the above macro. It populates the KeyPress, Sequence, and KeyRelease windows. I download AHK, create a new script and paste the above script in the window. I save and run the script, hold down the “2” key and the macro starts but stalls out to just auto attacks. HELP!! It doesn’t seem to cast Kill Command or Cobra Shot either.

I can’t comment on the Auto Hot Key part of it because i don’t use that. I just imported the macro into GSE and assigned the macro to a mouse key. I have my mouse key set to spam the button when i hold it down. I did the same for the AOE macro. Alternatively you can always assign the macro to scroll down and scroll up and just scroll away.

Basically i have a Naga with the 12 thumb buttons, my 2 is ST and 3 is AOE. All the rest of my abilities are on the other 10 buttons. I just run around holding down 2 or 3 and top the meters! Easiest way to play WoW by a mile as you have 0 movement restrictions. You can literally just hold down the button on pull and run around the whole fight and never let go lol

how do you set a key to spam when you hold it down?

also, the macro wont cast cobra shot.

ok it does cast cobra shot. I just wish to know how to get the macro to spam without me actually having to press the key over and over.

you use a program called Auto Hot key

If you have a razer brand mouse it comes with Razer Synapse software. You just assign the they to press the key while key is being held down in the software. Without the razer software/mouse you would need to use Auto Hot Key or something similar.

[quote quote=46751]how do you set a key to spam when you hold it down?

[quote quote=46752]also, the macro wont cast cobra shot.

this macro using ahk the on 80ms
if u are using my ahk F2 will start spam (1) so but the macro on (1) and macro of multi target on (2)
i change F2 to (`) so its more easy u can change key here
toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotKey 2
change f2 to wat ever key u want

Tried this out… on the bombadier target dummies (Southside of the building)
BM, - Talents = 3113112, ivl 900, 2tier piece, 2 legendary (shoulders, Waist)
Single Target @75MS - 965K
BM AOE @75ms 1.05M

BM ST at 110MS - 829K
BM AOE at 110MS - 1.6M < keeping it set at 110 on this macro key

Going to play around a bit more with the macro ms for single target…

but definite thumbs up on this one !

going to switch out waist for boots on the legendary and see how that looks as well :slight_smile: